Short Stories

Cosmic mistakes and the call of the void …

10 Years ago My ex walked out on me, I lost my marriage, my home, my kids, my job and I felt like I had nothing left. I tried to kill myself and survived, much to the surprise to myself and the ICU doctors at the time. A cosmic mistake perhaps, I am not quite sure to be honest.

Now 10 years later I am living with my parents, semi stable situation, no social life though , been single for the better part of this time with sporadic online connections, virtual affairs in a attempt to connect with someone out there, feel human love and affection which I believed and still do I am not truly worthy of, obviously they did not last or work out. Over the years I have had virtual acquaintances, friends and connect with them to a certain degree but only so much one can do over a electronic screen and so much support one can give. I attempted several times to connect with “real” people, sadly it seems my social skills or lack there of caused me to be alone and solitary. Sadly this has not aided much with my emotional and physiological state suffering from depression and suicidal tendencies. I have my children, the “second” chance granted me the opportunity to see them grow up, to become the people they are today and I am very proud of them. I did unfortunately not spend a lot of time with them over the years due to situation and such and I am not the father I had hoped I would be one day, but I love them and I am so very proud of them, and sorry that they ended up with me a father. Granted I became complacent on the situation relying on my family maybe too much to the point of being a burden…but when you have nothing and no one else, well … Although some friction and conflict – they are family and thus you feel somewhat wanted and needed. It was not ideal but it was surviving. It was not happy but adequate.  

So now another series of unfortunate events and I am standing on the cusp of losing everything once again – with the whole Covid19 fuck up, money, housing etc my family are preparing to go on a to each their own mission. Which in all fairness one cannot blame them as they need to take care of themselves first, but that leaves me staring into the void. Due to reasons – money, drive, will whatever – I don’t drive and don’t have a car – so have been replying on my family for transport. My job is not greatest paying but it pays and minimal rent with family I have been able to like I said get by, but that all is going to change. Once the “to each their own” mission has been initiated  I am without a home, without a means to get to work and with no one and nothing to aid in supporting (emotionally, physically etc) me. Unlikely to see my kids or family again. So I am staring into the abyss of uncertainty, my fractured psyche again leads me to down a dark path …

Looking back on my life and where I stand now I have come to realize that most of the time it’s not a sudden jolt or event that breaks you, no … its small gradual fractures over time. Sometimes they are too small to even notice immediately but as time progresses and more and more little fractures start occurring weakening the whole, it just starts falling apart and breaking beyond the point of repair. Yes you can attempt to glue the pieces back together, hopefully still being able to use it adequately but eventually with more and more little fractures still occurring its going become repairable and unusable with no real function or purpose and of no use to no one. And at that point one would throw away the broken thing and forget about it. I feel I am at this point.

I am forever grateful and thankful to my family for all they have done for me. I love them deeply and I am proud of what my children have become despite me. I am thankful for those virtual acquaintances that have stood by me regardless of how damaged I am. On this cusp where I stand is not of their doing and none are to blame but myself.

To those whom I have disappointed and hurt through a lifetime of stumbling in the dark trying to find a way to forge ahead – I am truly sorry, it was never intentional.

With all likely outcomes, paths, threads converging onto a single point it is every difficult to ignore the obvious. There can only truly be one possible outcome and conclusion to this. This is the current conflict I am experiencing internally. My fractured psyche pointing out the logical situation, the only true logical path left for me, while my heart is tugging me in the opposite direction of hope, love and faith. Things I have not truly had or experienced in the past 10 years save for that of my family and kids and looking at the failure and burden I am would it REALLY be to their benefit if I heeded my heart ?

I am staring into the abyss and the void calling me to it. I have nothing, I am nothing. I have no one, I am no one. So why persist in fighting against it ?

Covid 19 Global Pan-panic – a theory

Sciencey Details and stuff at bottom of page for insight anf information –

So what does all this sciencey mambo jumbo tell us –

  1. CV-19 is a corona virus
  2. CV-19 unlike any other naturally occurring virus attacks both upper and lower respiratory system at once, highly contagious and in stronger subjects not exhibiting “symptoms”
  3. Once a subject has “recovered” and have the antibodies needed to kill the virus they have still tested positive indicating that the virus is still present but dormant and facilitating the continued production of the CV-19 antibodies.  
  4. Corona viruses including CV-19, are retroviruses
  5. Retroviruses are used in genetherapy to alter the hosts genetic structure by converting and introducing the foreign DNA from a Retrovirus.
  6. Bispecipic Antibodies, which are created as a natural immune response to viral gene therapy can be used further stabilize and increase the efficiency  of the initial viral therapy, naturally.
  7. With the Current CV-19 Threat once a viable vaccine is created it will be compulsory globally to have it administered. Thereby intruding the body to not only the “weakened” retrovirus and also allow the body to create the necessary anti-bodies. Global gene therapy.
  8. April 2020, the United States acknowledged the existence of UFO’s and their continued long term research and monitoring of said UFO’s. Thereby indirectly acknowledging the existence of Extraterrestrials and their contact with earth. This announcement went mostly unnoticed due to the global pandemic panic.
  9. Several “seers”, ancient civilizations – Mayan, Incan, Sumerian etc. all predicted that in the early part of the second millennium AD we would make contact with godlike beings from beyond our world, and that said being would either be here to aid or enslave us.
  10. It has been said by numerous individuals laymen and experts that the global reaction to the CV-19 pandemic is over inflated – yes CV-19 is a deadly highly aggressive and highly contagious virus but the recovery and fatality rate is not much different than other influenza strains witnessed in the past, which did not warrant this type of global reaction and panic.

  So lets throw a hypothetical scenario maybe fueled by my overactive imagination, lack of anti depressants, lack of nicotine, lack of human and intimate contact, induced by stress due to no $$$.

A extraterrestrial race makes contact with earth. “Take us to your leaders”. They meet in secret with the UN and sate their existence and their intentions. Whether you’re a pessimist or optimist or realist whatever those intensions might be – here to save us from ourselves, they need slaves, they need new genetic material for continued existence, they need food – whatever you feel they would say. With their needs being live specimens or saving us, a all out aggressive assault would lead to countless causalities and be counterproductive to either side.  

So in exchange for x% of the human population they are willing to grant technology, sciences, medicines etc. But there are T’s and C’s that need to be adhered to in order to get said deal.

  1. Our current respiratory system is insufficient to our continued survival – either with our continued existence here or being taken with them on and prolonged micro-gravity exposure. So we would need to be altered and the alternation needs to be made permanent. The only sure fire way to genetically alter a entire population of a species is to introduce a highly contagious retro virus into the environment. The designed retrovirus will alter the effectiveness on the respiratory  system by attacking both upper and lower respiratory  systems simultaneously, the auto immune response of the host will generate antibodies specific to the artificial retrovirus. While the retro virus damages the existing lung structures and introduces new genetic martial for the regeneration and altering of said structures, the antibodies are there to not only keep the transformation controlled but to facilitate continued alterations while the virus remains dormant, ensure the continued production of antibodies.  
  2. There are “side-effects’ to introducing said retrovirus into the population with a acceptable mortality rate of +- 1-2% of those infected by initial strain. Survival of the fittest. In order to facilitate a full species coverage it is advised that through propaganda, media, social media etc. to create panic by any and all means possible surrounding the virus and its “impending doom” to the human species, thereby having billions voluntarily infect themselves with the retrovirus vaccine (when ready) and thereby ensuring maximum coverage of the alterations required within the species as a whole, to suite the needs of the Extraterrestrials.
  3. Slowly and calculatingly “leak” and acknowledge the existence of Extraterrestrial visitors to the masses, and ensure to the global populations that the Extraterrestrials are not hostile and mean no harm.
  4. The resulting global economic crisis and situation will be offset with the removal of x% of the population to the extraterrestrials – allowing more natural resources, food, water and jobs for the remaining population. And by facilitating this “rescue” after the pandemic has be averted both the global governments and the Extraterrestrials will look like saviors of the human race. With a “offer of goodwill, a better life somewhere else with these wondrous saviors from the stars” billions of individuals will volunteer to join these beings.
  5. So they take a couple billion people, in exchange or wondrous tech and not vaporizing us and well have now have a established and trusted supply chain in place for future human requirements. Whereas the ones remaining have been “saved” from ourselves, already being altered and ensuring all future generations are born with the required alternations for the Extraterrestrials and save form the dreaded extinction level event CV19, while the governments of the world look like saviors.

Sciencey details n stuff –

Human beings have become scared of the Novel Coronavirus and are taking several measures to combat these corona particles. The genome size of the corona is approximately 27 to 34 kilobases having single-stranded RNA as its genome enclosed in an envelope rich in lipids. This coronavirus which is a retrovirus can palpably cause infection and shows that this retroviral is sufficient enough to infect mammals and birds since it is zoonotic. 

So how does this RNA containing virus moves inside our cells, having DNA as its genome, and causing the infection? It is because of the fact that the RNA of the virus needs to be reverse transcribed, forming the complementary DNA (cDNA) by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. This enzyme will convert the RNA of the coronavirus to cDNA. This cDNA then gets inserted into the host DNA, replicating along with the host DNA and causing lysis of the host cell after reaching its burst size, generating a greater number of virions/virus particles, causing reinfection of the same organism or other organisms. In this way, the progeny virions have multiplied to such an extent that in spite of their minute size they can outnumber their host cells and rule over them by causing infection. The emerging viral particles can reinfect its neighboring hosts and spread in the community. Hosts infected with these viral particles will show several symptoms. We human beings will have upper respiratory tract infection and distress, accompanied by fever and cough. These viral particles are so naughty that they do not fear the host defense mechanisms. They are trying to dominate us. However, before moving directly into the lungs, these viral particles stay for a few days in the throat region.

Retroviruses are RNA viruses that carry a gene for a reverse transcriptase that transcribes the viral genetic material into a double stranded DNA intermediate. This DNA intermediate is then incorporated into the host DNA allowing the host cell machinery to produce all the necessary viral components.

Certain viruses are often used as vectors because they can deliver the new gene by infecting the cell. The viruses are modified so they can’t cause disease when used in people. Some types of virus, such as retroviruses, integrate their genetic material (including the new gene) into a chromosome in the human cell.

coronavirus has found a particularly good home in humans because the virus can cause less severe symptoms in many people, sometimes even being spread by people who are unaware they are carrying it.

Some viruses, like those that cause the common cold, infect upper airways, including the nose and throat. Others can cause viral pneumonia that usually infects smaller areas of just one lung.

The coronavirus packs a vicious double punch: It can infect the entire respiratory system, all the way down to millions of tiny air sacs in the lungs called alveoli.

 “There aren’t a lot of respiratory viruses that go both upper and lower, and this is one of them,” said Dr. Michael Schivo, a pulmonologist at UC Davis Health. “Number one, [the coronavirus] can make us sicker. And number two, it can cause low oxygen. Those are probably the two biggest problems with it.”

Alveoli make up 99% of the surface area of the lung.

“The airways are equal to a tennis racket laid on the doubles tennis court,” said Dr. Michael Matthay, a professor of medicine at UCSF. “The rest of the tennis court are the alveoli.”

The alveoli literally keep people alive by bringing oxygen into the bloodstream and excreting carbon dioxide.

But the coronavirus disrupts this process.

When the virus particles enter the alveoli, they continue to replicate, injuring the lungs.

 Bispecific Antibodies and Gene Therapy

Bispecific antibodies and gene therapy are connected in two ways. First, bispecific antibodies have been developed as promising tools for targeting cell entry of gene transfer vectors: as adapter molecules they link the vector to a marker molecule (specifically) expressed on the target cell surface. Second, gene therapy can be an alternative means for delivery of therapeutic antibodies to patients, i.e., by antibody production in the patients’ cells. Besides genetic delivery of (established) soluble antibodies, such antibody gene transfer can also facilitate new applications for (bispecific) antibody therapy, for example by expression of membrane-bound or intracellular derivatives. Certainly combination therapies of bispecific antibodies and gene therapy can also be envisioned.

What is a vaccine and how does it work?

A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be introduced into the body to trigger an immune response. These molecules are called antigens, and they are present on all viruses and bacteria.

28/04/2020 – UNITED STATES

US Pentagon acknowledges existence of unidentified flying objects

The US Department of Defense has officially released three previously leaked videos of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) saying it wants people to know the truth.

A lesson on cycles as taught by Loki

Thialfi sat on the banks of the river Ífingr busy cleaning his master Thor’s cloak deep in thought and pondering as he did so. Oblivious to his actions and deep in philosophical conundrum, as mere humans often do, there appeared a salmon frolicking in the waters before him. Thialfi glanced at the curious fish but continued to do his appointed tasks while dreaming away. The salmon stuck it’s head out of the water and spoke in a human voice and said to Thialfi, ‘Look at the housemaid of Thor, washing the gods unmentionables, one would think this would be your sister’s task to do, but here is the great clothes washer Thialfi cleaning his master’s cloths’, the salmon laughed at Thialfi trying to provoke a reaction from him.

Nevertheless, Thialfi continued with washing the cloak and staring into nothingness oblivious to the fish’s insults. The salmon scoffed at Thialfi and sneered, ‘By Odin’s sweaty armpits, most tedious when your insult the handmaiden of the great Thor and get not even a raised eyebrow’. With saying that the salmon jumped from the waters and transformed into Loki and he landed behind Thialfi, who had not noticed the transformation. Loki snuck up behind Thialfi and made his voice to be that of Thor’s the boy’s master and explained in a booming voice right beside his ear, ‘Where is my cloak boy! For the Jotan are approaching and I need to go to battle and need to be clad as the warrior god I am, make haste or I shall feed you to Fenrir myself.” So startled was Thialfi by this that he had dropped the cloak into the river and was now frantic to fish it out, his eyes darting to see where his master was.

Loki took hiding behind a tree and when Thialfi was seeking out Thor to no avail, Loki made himself known from his hiding. ‘ Ahhh there you are Thialfi, your master Thor has been searching for you but gave up and clad himself in a lesser cloak to battle the Jotan invaders, he was non impressed but it is better then appearing in battle as a soaked wench, do you not agree ?.” Grabbing a large branch Loki fished out the soaked cloak and looked at Thialfi, ” Luckily for you I was here or Thor’s favorite cloak would had been washed away to the ends of existence”, hanging the cloak up on a nearby tree limb to dry. “Thank you my lord Loki, I am sorry but my mind has been elsewhere and I was lost in deep contemplation and shunned by duties as such, again thanks for your aid or I would surely be Fenrir next meal”

Loki glanced at the human, brushed the grass and sat beside Thialfi and gazed upon him in a quizzical manner, before speaking once more, ‘ I might be a god but I am puzzled what one such as yourself would need to contemplate so deeply, I doubt it would be how much soap to use on a god’s cloak,’ Loki chuckled and continued on,’ Considering how a mortal and his sister came to be the servants of the god Thor and now housed in Asgard among the gods themselves, is it that even living in the land of the gods, you long for your home and family in Midgard ?,’ Loki asked glanced at Thialfi. Thialfi answered somewhat taken aback, ‘ No great lord  Loki, it is not that at all, I and My sister am both grateful for finding ourselves in the service as one such as lord Thor, but I cannot help but ponder deeply as to what it all means ? I do not mean to offend but here I am sitting upon the banks of the great river Ífingr washing Lord Thor’s cloak, and there”, Thialfi pausing and points to the far bank of the vast river,’ just there is Jotunheim, the land of the giants. Are all things such divided such as thus, the good this side and the bad on that? Are …are things day and night or is there something more than opposites….” Thialfi remarks as his words stagger off and he sets himself off in deep pondering once more.

Loki looks upon Thialfi and suddenly jumps to his feet and grabs the boy upon his shoulder and exclaims,’ surely this will not do, we cannot have you pondering such things when there are more important things for you to be concerned about, like the state of Thor’s undergarments. I shall be the hero once more and rectify this situation post haste.” Startled Thialfi rushed to his feet fearing retribution for his thoughts but instead only gets a smile from Loki, “come now let me answer these things so that you no longer need to ponder so deeply, the human mind is a fragile thing and we wouldn’t want you to do yourself any injury, “with that and a wave of his hand Loki creates a portal between realms and drags Thialfi through it. “ I would ask that you remain silent about my portals to the Ægir or I will ensure you are my son Fenrir next meal.”

Blinding light and a sudden feeling of one’s body imploding and exploding all at once, Thialfi finds himself awakening at Loki’s feet with the god looking down upon him. ‘ I do apologize, I sometimes forget how fragile your kind is… come now let us put these thoughts of your to rest before Thor comes looking for his hand maiden, “ Loki chuckles walking ahead and Thialfi finds his footing and is startled by the sight before him. Before him lay the Ginungagap, the great void and to the north of it lay Niflheim, the land of mist, ice, and snow and to the south of the void lay Muspelheim, the land of fire. Awestruck he just stood there peering ahead at his miraculous site. Loki gazed upon him and scoffed, ‘Oh come on, don’t tell me u have never seen the birth of the world before, come on now I need to show you this so we can go back, I need some mead and all this tramping around the void makes me hungry and wanting female companionship and mischief, so come here and let me ease those ponderings of your.”

Loki pulled Thialfi beside him and pointed out to the void, “Tell me what do you see boy?” Thialfi replied, “ I see the land of ice and snow to the north and the land of fire to the south and the void in the middle, but I don’t understa… “, Loki cuts him off and says,” Pretty extreme opposites don’t you think, fire and ice, well gaze upon the void …child, and see what happens when there is no opposites, where there is no fire and ice, gaze upon the middle of the void where the two meet, you see there, there is the spark of life, that is were everything we are, everything we were and everything we will be is being birthed into creation. Not from the fire or ice alone, not from the light or the darkness alone, but from both of them dancing with one another. You mortals stand upon your green fields on Midgrad gazing up unto the heavens always so hypocritical about good and bad, left and right, light and dark, when Ve gave onto the first of you mind and intelligence, I think he must have left too many open spaces in there, “knocking on Thialfi skull mockingly.

“All you see is the division of the two, always opposites but there is no such thing in the grand scheme of things, everything is one in the same, one cycle to another and back again. One with out the other is impossible and yet you humans still believe they are and can be viewed as separate. When you actually open your mind and see the truth, accept the power of what I have shown you here today, the Jotun and even Ægir would fear you, as you would rival even them with the might that lay dormant within yourselves but nooooo, your to busy trying to label and divided everything, even yourselves, race, beliefs, gender… when will you realize that there is nothing that creates the divide other than yourselves.”, Loki stands next to Thialfi and peers into the void glancing as a sight no other human has before, “Do you understand now Thialfi, will you put that poor mind to rest before you set it alight with all these ponderings ?”.

“I think so yes, I think I do see it no….”

With a blinding light Thialfi finds himself on the bank of the river Ífingr once more, “…ow”, he says out load to himself glancing to where Loki where he once stood, not to no avail for he is alone. In the distance Thor’s, voice bellows, “Thialfi?  Where in Helheim is that boy with my cloak?” Startled Thialfi jumps to his feet searching for the cloak and finds it hanging upon a tree branch, as he takes it off the branch he thinks to himself, “could I had been so deep in my dreams that … “, he glances to the river once more to see the salmon frolicking in the waters and he dashes toward Thor’s homestead, cloak in hand.

Written By D. Kay

Lineage – Prologue

Our story begins many many moons ago, in a far off land.

In a time when the old gods still ruled over the people of the lands.

In a time when myths were born and magic was alive in every living thing.


Now as to how all this came to be is a tale for another time, but for now I will be telling the story of how the Dragonwolf tribe was forged and how they would determine the fate of this world.


Now I know your sitting there thinking this guy is off his rocker and this is another one of those old maids stories, but I tell you this… There are those that have first hand knowledge of the events I am about to share with you, not all things die and time passes much differently to some of us


Now where was I, ahhhh the Dragonwolves…


Our story begins with a simple people, you would refer to them today as hunter/gatherers. Surviving in the mountains and lush forests of a land now known as Carpathia.


They lived their simple lives, struggling against nature and it’s beasts for survival. Until one faithful day, a loud crash was heard coming from the heavens as if thunder but no cloud could be seen. Then as their eyes fixed upon the skies they saw something falling from the heavens. It descended with such veracity that it left a sunken crater in the center of their humble village. The tribe’s people gathered around the crater and peered within. Very much scared and confused at what they might find within. They looked into the crater they were shocked at the sight before them. Laying there sprawled out in the crater, was a man, naked, scared and bleeding. His golden hair mated, and struggling to open his eyes revealed them to be blue as ice. There is man lay there, with such foreign features, and scars upon his back, barely clinging to life, or so it seemed.


While the tribe’s people were still trying to figure out exactly what they saw the old shaman of the tribe pushed his way through the huddled masses. He commanded that the stranger be taken to his hut. The tribesman too shocked and confused to argue did as they were told. They quickly gathered the man and carefully, under the watchful supervision of the shaman took him to the hut. For many days the shaman had locked him and the stranger away. Chanting could be heard echoing through the village at night as the shaman called upon the spirits of the ancestors to heal the stranger.


Finally the shaman emerged with the stranger by his side. No longer clinging to life but dressed in the tribe’s clothes. A air of power and authority surrounded him as they made their way to the chief’s hut. The tribe’s people sensing this radiating power quickly gathered along their path to the chief. The shaman needed to be constantly dismiss and remind them to make space for the stranger. The stranger seemed rather unperturbed by the attention he was getting; rather his focus lay on the chief and what lay ahead.


Finally they arrived at the chief’s hut and disappeared within as the entire tribe gathered outside. The tribe waited in anticipation to see what would happen. The entrance was guarded and non but the shaman and the stranger were allowed to have the audience with the chief. After what felt like a eternity the three emerged from the hut. With the whole tribe gathered before them the shaman declared that the coming of the stranger was foretold to him in a dream. The ancestors had foretold that the stranger would come and he would lead the tribe into a new age. The chief enthusiastically agreed with the shaman and proclaimed that as he did not have a heir, that this man sent from the ancestors would be his new son, and would be the next chief. The tribe exclaimed in joy to the news and accepted the stranger as one of their own.


The stranger then spoke, in a commanding voice in their own language. He explained to tribesman of his origins as best he could. He revealed to them that his name was Shamsiel and that he came from a land far to the south west. A barren land with a scorching sun and a desolate dessert. He was celestial being in service of the god which ruled there. As a celestial he possessed great power and knowledge. Being called from the celestial realm into the service of this god he had many duties over time. His final duty was to watch over this god’s people by living among them. He then told how he and his fellow watchers disobeyed their vows and began living with and helping the people instead of watching. This angered the god he and his comrades,they fell out of favor with the god. They were called back to the god’s realm to be reprimanded and imprisoned for their “crimes”. With the aid of another fallen brother and his wife he managed to escape to a place beyond the reach of the god’s powers. A place where he would be able to live in peace.


As time passed the chief grew older and passed away but Shamsiel remained ageless. As promised by the chief he became the new chief and leader of the tribe. The son of the shaman that saved him, Shamsiel bestowed great power and knowledge onto his line. He granted them extra ordinary long lives. The tribe he taught many secrets including the use of magic, agriculture, and weapons to aid in their hunts. The tribe flourished under his rule hidden in their valley. With their new found skills in magic and the hunt and weaponry, Shamsiel named the new tribe Bală~Lup, DragonWolf.


He took a wife and they bore many children. All of them were gifted with the abilities of their father, the sons adorned with golden hair and ice blue eyes. The daughters adorned raven black hair and emerald green eyes. Shamsiel shared the secrets of his knowledge with them of the celestial realms, magic. As well as the skills of a warrior celestial in the service of a benevolent god. The girls took to the magic as if they were made of magic themselves, while the boys took to the combat and hunting skills. And so the DragonWolf community was balanced, magic and strength in unison, and so flourished.


Generations passed and the god from the far off land’s power grew and so did the reach of his influence. Shamsiel was warned in a dream that he would come for him and his descendants, as punishment for his actions. Fearing more for the lives of his people than that of his own he gathered all his strength and created a amulet. The amulet bore a dragon wings spread wide with a wolf at her feet, overlooking the valley in which he had made his home. He split it into two halves the dragon and the wolf both separate, and gave them to the eldest of his children. The dragon to his daughter and the wolf to his son. The amulet would mask them from the coming threat, and so that at least some of his descendants would survive. He then fled to mountain at the border of their lands. He took refuge behind the waterfall of the mountain. He had hoped that if he was found he would be far enough from the tribe to save them with his sacrifice.


When the god’s soldiers found Shamsiel they bound him. They told him that they were under instruction to destroy the entire Dragonwolf tribe as well. Because of his influence and the knowledge he had shared with them. Shamsiel begged and pleaded with his once brothers to spare the lives of the innocents. The asked them to use their powers to merely erase the memories of him. His brother’s agreed to those terms as they did not particularly enjoy slaughtering the innocent. They imprisoned him within the mountain, in a cave behind the waterfall. They bound him in mystical chains to hold him until the end of times. Then sealed the mountain so that no other but one of their own, born of celestial blood, would be able to enter.


Then their attention turned to the village and the tribe. They descended from the heavens, with wings spread wide. They spoke in a language none had ever heard. A bright light blinded the tribe and then they fell to their knees and into a deep sleep. The following morning when the tribe awoke all memories of Shamsiel was erased from their minds. His existence, no one remembered their illustrious chief that fell from the heavens…


No one save for two, his eldest son and daughter. The two gifted with the amulets and infused with his spirit and power. Protected them from the spell. They alone knew the truth of their father and of their people. They become the leaders of the tribe and continued their father’s teachings.


Both could hear the voice of Shamsiel whispers in their minds. They would gather by the waterfall in times of need and in times they needed guidance. As generations passed, the waterfall became sacred ground. A place where only the chiefs – Shamsiel’s descendants would gather. Seeking answers from their self made god. The children of Shamsiel, half human, half celestial were blessed with his grasp and control of the magical realms as well as his prowess in combat.


Now all these events might seem surreal but for the most part went unnoticed by the outside world. They however of more significance then what was ever realized. Naamah and her mistress took careful notice of what had been unfolding. The events gave them a opportunity to finally fulfill her mistress’ plan. But for that to happen they would need the secrets Shamsiel had kept. The secrets that he had not even dared share with his tribe or his children. And the only way they would be able to get to him was through his children. Their blood combined with the amulets, would unlock Shamsiel’s prison for a brief time. Allowing access to Shamsiel’s timeless prison, not free him but to commune with him directly.


Naamah waited patiently for their faith and believes to wane. Using her mistress’ teachings of the darker arts and chaotic magic to interfere with Shamsiel’s whispers. She finally made her move, infiltrating the tribe as a traveling seer. Claiming to have heard Shamsiel’s voice when the tribe could not. She had come from a far land. Shamsiel’s voice guiding her to his children. They have lost their way and could no longer hear his whispers. The tribe being lost without their ‘god’, listened intently as she spun her web of deceit. She started to divide them. Turning them against on another . Hoping that once they were divided it would be easier for her to manipulate them into opening Shamsiel’s prison.


She finally managed to get the tribe to turn unto itself and split into two, the wolves and the dragons. She thought, ” Now is my chance!”, but soon realized that her plan was tragically flawed. Even though being dived weakened them and they would be more easily conquered, only united would they be able to unlock Shamsiel’s prison. Wounded by her fatal miscalculation she retreated into the shadows to pursue the other parts of her mistress’ plan. Shamsiel’s knowledge was a critical piece of the puzzle but one that would need to wait for now. She left behind flocks of black crows as spies. They were to keep her abreast of the tribe and their progress, in hopes that in time they would unify once more and in that moment she would strike. Until then she would leave them to their own devices and continue her mission.


Again many moons passed, so many so that the two tribes – the wolves and the dragons had forgotten why they were fighting. It had became so ingrained into them that they kept on. Other tribes had moved into the valley by now. They stayed well clear of the two warring tribes, for their power and battle acumen were legendary. The old ways mostly forgotten but certain traditions stayed. The eldest son of the wolves’ chief would receive the wolf amulet, and the eldest daughter of the dragons’ chief the dragon amulet. It seemed as if the two tribes would end up wiping each other out. But fate or Shamsiel or perhaps another diety, intervened on one faithful day.


The daughter of the dragons’ chief had been seeking spiritual guidance by the sacred waterfall. Since she would be the next to lead her people, she beckoned any one who would hear her, guidance to resolve the war plaguing her people. Alone in the wilderness she was attacked by a bear and would had surely died if not for the intervention of the Wolves’ chief’s son. He too had come to the waterfall seeking guidance for the future of his people. He had come just as the bear was attacking the Dragon maiden. He overpowered it risking his own life to save her. And then it was as if Aphrodite herself had laid hands upon them. The moment their eyes met, they knew that they loved one another. A meeting of twin souls. They had a torrent secret love affair for if their father’s or their own tribes people were to find out then there would surely be hell to pay.


So their love affair continued in secret. They were unified before the gods, in a secret wedding preformed by one of the neighboring tribe’s shaman’s. One day a huge battle ensued between the two tribes and both the chief’s fell in the heat of it. With their father’s passing, they would assume the roles of the leaders of their tribes. Through their love and union the two tribes would be joined together once more. Not all were happy with this in the beginning but as time passed, and Shamsiel’s whispers returned they knew that this was the way it was meant to be.


Shortly after that, they announced that they were with child. The tribe rejoiced with the news, all was as it should be. Naamah’s spies had quickly reported back to her of the recent happenings. She made her way back to the faithful valley to collect that piece of the puzzle that had eluded her for so long. With the tribe finally united she would have the means within her grasp to have a audience with Shamsiel. Though whatever means necessary she would find out the secrets he has so dearly kept for so many centuries. She went from one neighboring tribe to another. Inciting in them fear and hatred towards the Dragonwolf clan. For now that they were united surely they would mean to conquer the other tribes. To take all the lands for themselves. It wasn’t long before she had a army at her back, and it was time for her to strike.


The Dragonwolf tribe were overjoyed with the news of the birth of the daughter of the new unified tribe. Their joy was however short lived. On the eve of the girl’s first week and her naming ceremony both her parents had a prophetic warnings in the form of a dream. It was not their Ancestor and tribe’s father Shamsiel that came to them, but another god far to the west, named Hades.


He told them that the old gods’ power were waning and that the new gods with their following ever increasing had taken power of the counsel of god’s. One of these gods was the one Shamsiel had served in the past. With the secrets Shamsiel had of the god’s realm, it would mean the downfall of not only that god but of all creation. The death of the world tree itself. He warned them that there were dark chaotic primordial forces at work. That these dark gods who had ruled long before creation began, before the world tree and the nine realms. He warned that Naamah was coming with a army to slay all the Dragonwolf tribe. To take them to the scared waterfall, where they would be forced to unlock Shamsiel’s prison. Once she gains access, it would only be a matter of time before everything is lost. He left them with one last warning, that many of the old gods wanted to return to power and would destroy creation itself to achieve it. They long to have their power back and have joined Namaah, under promise of great rewards upon her victory. Many still do not want to see the fall of creation, and still stand against her. They must choose whom they trust very carefully as not all will be as it seems. The new gods are drunk with power. They do not heed the warnings given to them by the old gods. It is up to the two of them to determine the fate of creation. As their dream started to fade and they started to wake , Hades begged them to take their child and flee. To flee furthest reaches of the known world and never return to this place.


The two new parents woke up in terror with the images and words bestowed onto by Hades. They feared and contemplated on the recourse and actions they would need to take. After much deliberation and much painful debate it was decided. Both of them could not abandon their people in their time of need. The Dragon maiden would take a squad of guards, and the child and flee at the darkest time of the night. Using her magic to keep her hidden from Naamah and her spies. The Wolf warrior would remain and lead their people in the oncoming battle. When it is done, if he were to survive, he would find her, using their bond and be with her and their child. And so it came to pass that the Dragon maiden fled in the dark of night with the child, to the furthest reaches of the known world waiting for her love to join her.


At the break of dawn the following day the Wolf Warrior had rallied his people in the dead of night. Readying them for the battle to come. They were not prepared for the vast overwhelming numbers Naamah had brought up against them. The Dragonwolf’s last stand did not last very long. As all seemed lost the Wolf Warrior and his elite guard decided to withdraw and regroup. Attempting to save as many lives of the women and children as they could. It was during a sortie, accompanying a group of refugees that they were ambushed and the Wolf warrior received a mortal wound. One of the refugees, a young boy, a orphan who had joined their tribe recently, no more than twelve years of age, picked up the wolf warrior’s sword and slayed one of invaders as he was about to kill the Wolf warrior. Other Dragonwolf warriors arrived and slayed the remaining villains but it was to late for them to save their chief. The boy sat by the chief’s side as his life flame burnt low. The Wolf warrior mustering up his last strength and with his last breaths, took off his wolf amulet and placed it on the boy. He then cut his own hand, then grabbed the boy’s hand and cut it.

He then mutter the words,’ Blood of my blood, may the wolf live within you. With it’s guidance and strength ensure the survival of our people and our world. You are now my son, heir to the wolf….” With his last breath he held the boy in his arms and uttered, ‘ my son…. ‘


The Dragonwolf warriors looked at awe at the sight before them as a blinding light enveloped the boy. The Boy’s muse colored hair suddenly golden, and his hazel eyes now like sapphires. The warriors all knelt before him. Shamsiel’s whispers began to echo in the boy’s mind. Overwhelming him, as he fell to the ground unconscious. The warriors quickly snatched up the boy and fled into the forests. Naamah’s soldiers were close behind. They lay the boy in a crevice and stood to face their attackers but the but were soon overcome.


When the attackers reached the crevice where the boy had been hidden, he was gone. Stolen away by some unseen force. Naamah screamed out in frustration. Ankle deep in the blood of the battle surrounded by the fallen Dragonwolf tribesmen. Her plan had failed yet again. The Dragon Maiden was gone, and with her the child and the amulet. The wolf warrior had been slain and his amulet was missing. She had no way of opening Shamsiel’s prison. She screamed in rage slaying all those in her vicinity, even those whom had come to fight with her. After her outburst was contained and before the army turned on her, she faded away among the shadows. Leaving her agents behind once more to keep vigil.


The boy was stolen away by a Leshy, the green man also known as the man of the woods. A Celestial being in it’s own right, protector and guardian of the forest and all who dwell there. Being proficient in the ways of magic very few other beings are. He took the boy to protect it from harm and from being captured so not to be used by Naamah as part of her insidious schemes. He felt that within the boy a change had occurred. Some magic that the wolf warrior himself had not known he possessed. He had infused the boy with the spirit of the wolf and by doing so allowed the boy to take the form of a wolf when danger is near. This troubled the Leshy immensely. With the Dragonwolf tribe all but wiped out. The fire of fear in the neighboring tribes still burning high. and With Naamah’s crow spies all over the forest. Surely a half man half wolf roaming the forest would bring unnecessary attention and his capture or death would be imminent.


The Leshy did what he thought was the right thing to do. He hid the boy in a cave, near a tribe of nomads whom had made camp on the borders of the Dragonwolf’s land. He placed a spell on the boy to allow the boy to sleep until the last dragon is born. When the time had come for their destinies to be fulfilled. He then approached the nomadic tribe and offered them a bargain. Their people would be allowed to stay on these lands. To carry on the story of what had occurred here. To take the boy in as their own and teach him the way of the wolf and of his ancestors when the time came. In exchange, he would teach them the ways of magic he knew, and grant them the blessings and protection of the forest. The nomadic tribe could not refuse such a offer, not from one so near to a god as any other creature. They made their home there and continued to carry on the tradition of the story of what had happened in the valley below as told to them by the Leshy. Using the magics learned for healing and aiding anyone that needed it. Waiting faithfully for the time when the boy would awaken and the war for the survival of this realm would begin.


The Leshy too was contacted by Hades. He told him where the Dragon maiden, and her daughter were to be found. He taught a handful of females from the nomadic tribe great protection magic and divination. This band of female gypsies he sent to watch over the Dragon Maiden and her child, and their offspring. To protect them and when the time comes to offer them guidance and tutelage in the ways of magic and their ancestors.


And so it came to pass. Time ever moving and progressing. Reality became myth, became legends, became forgotten to all, save for the few still honoring their pact with the Leshy. The year is 2018 and the last dragon rises, and darkness and chaos are in close pursuit.

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Concepts of good and evil


Ok, well I have been doing research on the novel / book  thingie I want to write, eventually, at some point, once I am done procrastinating ( If you want to know more about the story  me a message or click here 😛 ) … but back to the subject on hand.

The concept of good and evil. Now as I mentioned was doing research for a novel I want to write and the crux of it is it is going to be a crossover between most popular religions and some not so popular throughout the ages of myths and mythologies in a effort to safe creation from a big bad.

Now the majority of western societies grew up Christian and eventually down the line, free will and all, choose their own path – be it Paganism, Heathen (Nordic), Wiccan, Kemetic, Celtic, Shamanism, Luciferian, Satanism, Roman, Greco, Buddist and so forth. So considering as the most people know and at some point followed the Christian path, Christianity will play a rather biggish role in the whole story – the myths and mythologies of the path integrated into other paths, kind of a ambitious thing but yeah.

So since Christianity going to be playing a big part, since it is one of the major religions of the 21st century, I thought it wise to brush up on the mythology and the Christian big bad (not the big bad of my story mind you but for contextual reasons, the big bad in Christianity will make a very different role much later on in my story).

So while properly looking at scripture etc., (not sermons or second hand info from Sunday school teachers and fables ),  I made a rather surprising discoveries, a lot of what we have learned and come to understand considering the Christian big bad is basically all made up and yes I know most atheists are gonna say but isn’t all religions basically all made up, ok fair enough but the point is what we understand as the big bad of Christianity is not really what is written in the… lets face it, the only real reference book so let me try explain my interpretations of what my research uncovered –

There are 4 major ‘bad guys’ or only one with different names, depending on how you perceive it, actually referenced in the 21st century King James version of the Christian bible.

Listed in order of appearance :

  1. Devil / s = 106 references ( 4 Old Test. , 102 New Test. )
  2. Satan = 50 references ( 16 Old Test. , 34 New Test. )
  3. Beelzebub = 7 references ( 7 New Test. )
  4. Lucifer = 1 reference ( Old Test.)

Now lets start at the top and work our way down

The Devil / s

The devil/s in context are primarily ‘unclean’ spirits that possessed people or influenced them and needed to be driven out. The ‘exorcisms’ were preformed by either Christ or his apostles. The term devil or devils does not refer to any one entity at any point but rather a collective of ‘unclean’ spirits taking possession of individuals and/or influencing them to ‘sin’. Now what exactly are the symptoms of being possessed is not really clear, but we can assume that if the mentality of the people during that age were similar to the mentality of the people during the middle ages it could had been anything from allergies, epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychopathy and a long list of disorders we can kinda understand today and not necessarily being possessed  by ‘unclean’ spirits. Now I have seen a lot of horror movies and such, and well a lot claim to be based on actual events, so I am not that naive to dismiss the whole possession phenomena just off the bat, all I am saying is it is VERY likely that 90% of the causes where the devil/s were driven out was not really a case of possessions.

So then the question that begs to be answered is if there is no one entity, no real description of what these ‘unclean spirits‘ look like how did we get the whole image of a guy in a red outfit, striking goatee, pitchfork and horns ?

Anyway on to the next culprit ….


Now as most people don’t realize is that 99.9% of angels in the service of Elohim’s (Christian God), service name ends with EL, meaning of god. Examples of these are – Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and so on, (Metatron does not end in a EL as myth has it he was originally the prophet Enoch and was taken to heaven by Elohim and transformed into a angel to serve as his scribe, so not born or created angel but a mortal transformed). Now a little known fact is that the is/was a angel named Sataniel in service of Elohim. So basically the name  Sataniel means “God’s accuser”, but does not distract from the fact that by name he/she/it is a angel in service of Elohim.

Now Sataniel became Satan to distance his duties from Elohim’s benevolence but to consider Satan as a fallen angel and a outcast, as most of us have been taught, would be kinda ignorant. The main reason for my opinion on this is with reference to the book of Job where the majority of references to Satan in the old testament come from).

Now this is what rattled me a little, and correct me if I am wrong but, we were taught to believe that Satan and Lucifer were the same person, and due to Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven was cast out and imprisoned in hell. Basically heaven’s number one most wanted, most evil entity, the baddest of them all. Unclean, evil, dark, twisted and not worthy to be in Elohim’s presence and hated and hunted by all other angels especially Michael, or so I believed until I read the book of Job.

In the book of Job, Job is put through several trails and tribulations in order to prove or disprove his unwavering faith in Elohim.

What struck me was the following –

Job 1:6

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

Job 1:7

And the Lord said unto Satan, “From whence comest thou?” Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down upon it.”

Now to me that would appear that the angels came before Elohim and gave him a status report on their activities on earth and among them was good ole’ Satan himself, in the presence of Elohim, before his throne in the highest of heavens and surrounded by angels, giving his boss his progress report.

So to further rattle the cage, Elohim basically tells Satan that Job is unwavering in his faith and a true zealot, where as Satan then replies the only reason Job comes across as so unwavering is because he has never suffered. He is healthy, he has many sheep and he is prosperous and happy. He has never been given a reason to waver because all Elohim has done is bestow countless blessings on him and his kin. So obviously he is a unwavering zealot because he has everything he wants, now take all that away from him, make him suffer and then see for yourself just how unwavering he really is.

That does sound like something a bad guy would say doesn’t it, but here comes the catch, Elohim agrees that Satan must go forth and take all that away from Job and make Job suffer, but not to take his life, and then Satan will see for himself how unwavering Job really is. And Satan goes forth and does as instructed.

Now again, heaven’s number one most wanted, most evil entity the baddest of them all, reporting to Elohim in his throne room, surrounded by angels, having a pow wow with the big guy himself and basically making a bet with him that he can break Job and then being called on it and sent to go ahead and do it by his BOSS ….

That to me does not really appear that he was outcast, unwanted, hunted, hated or imprisoned but merely another angelic employee doing his job within his job description.  Now what exactly is his job description then you might ask, well looking at this it would be rather obvious. He is basically likened to the Nordic version of Loki ( God of Mischief ), his main job is to test humanities morals, ethics and faith. We were blessed with free will and we are free to choose either left or right, light or dark, good or bad. We know the difference and we understand there are consequences to these choices we make. So Satan’s job is to lead us into temptation and see whether or not we are strong enough in our convictions to turn away from him or to falter, BUT he is doing so under instruction from upper management, not because he is ‘evil’ but because that his job.

His job is  to test you through trails, tribulation, temptation, suffering etc in order for you to be stronger and  overcome adversities. Kinda gives you a new perspective on the guy doesn’t it.  And also might rattle the whole Satanist path a little too.

I had a discussion about this with a Christian I work with and although he was quick to say ohhh but its open to interpretation and since I am a pagan I see it in a very wrong way, he continued to bring up the whole Adam and Eve and the serpent story saying  –

  • The Serpent aka Satan tempted Eve and made her sin by eating the apple.
  • Ok, did the serpent hold Eve down and force the apple down her throat ?
  • No… but he lied to her and convinced her to eat it.
  • Ok, did Elohim not tell her and Adam that eating the apple was bad ? So then if they knew it was bad then she choose out of her own free will to believe the serpent and eat the apple, how exactly did he force her ?
  • No, but see Elohim told Adam it’s bad, but he never told Eve, so the serpent used her ignorance and tricked her.
  • Ahhh not how I remember the story but ok, so Eve was ignorant and didn’t know it was not allowed and was tricked by the serpent…. But then why did Adam eat it ? He knew it was bad, he was told it was forbidden and yet when Eve tempted him he ate it, so then he choose out of his own free will to eat the apple knowing it was a bad thing. But then how is it the serpent’s fault if both were given a choice, eat or don’t eat and they out of their own, choose to eat it and disobey ?

He then looked at me somewhat confused, kept quiet and walked away.

In all of scripture Satan has not once physically killed anyone, yes he has tempted them, lead them astray and well cause a lot of shit along the way but … it all comes down to free will and well him doing his job. So Sataniel gets a bad rap but he should be getting employee of the millennium reward, cause lets face it, we humans are so easy to tempt and be lead astray, so he is doing a very excellent job in service of Elohim.

So now on to number 3 on the top 4 bad guys in the bible


Now references to him are limited to the new testament and mostly used by Christ, his apostles in connection to them driving out the unclean spirits mentioned in point one.  Basically Christ and his apostles are accused of driving these unclean spirits out, not in the name of Elohim but rather in name of Beelzebub, and obviously Christ and his apostles counter that by saying how can we use the devil to drive out devils, which is a valid argument.

So who is this guy actually ?

“Beelzebub or Beelzebul is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a given name to a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal. In theological sources,  predominately Christian, Beelzebub is sometimes another name for the Devil, similar to Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell.

In one understanding, Ba‘al Zəbûb is translated literally as “lord of the flies”. It was long ago suggested that there was a relationship between the Philistine god, and cults of flies – referring to a view of them as pests, feasting on excrement – appearing in the Hellenic world, such as Zeus Apomyios or Myiagros. This is confirmed by the Ugaritic text when we examine how Baal affects the expulsion of the flies which are the patient’s sickness. According to Francesco Saracino (1982) this series of elements may be inconclusive as evidence, but the fact that in relationship to Baal Zebub, the two constituent terms are here linked, joined by a function (ndy) that is typical of some divinities attested in the Mediterranean world, is a strong argument in favor of the authenticity of the name of the god of Ekron, and of his possible therapeutic activities, which are implicit in 2 Kings 1:2-3, etc.

Alternatively, the deity’s actual name was Ba‘al Zəbûl, “lord of the (heavenly) dwelling”, and Ba’al Zebub was a derogatory pun used by the Israelites. In regard to the god of Ekron, the belief that zebub may be the original affix to Baal and that it is a substitute for an original zbl which, after the discoveries of Ras Shamra, has been connected with the title of “prince”, frequently attributed to Baal in mythological texts. Ba’al Zebub was used in Hebrew as a pun with Ba’al Zebul, where Zebul meant “of the manor,” and in a derogatory manner Ba’al Zebub was used to offend the enemies of the Israelites. However, this understanding is not supported by the versions.”

So in short a pagan god worshiped by the Canaanites’ and Philistines that was villianised, twisted and turned into a Demon price / devil by the early Christians. Basically what the catholic church did with the pagan religious’ deities. And used as a pun or a insult. So with them saying that Christ and his apostles used Beelzebub to drive out devils they were basically making fun of them and calling them fakes and wannabes and not really referring to them using his power.  So yet again another big bad that wasn’t really all that bad ….


Well we got one more left and he has to be it, the big bad, the most evil of evil, Lucifer himself…

( pause for dramatic ominous music )

Number 4 on the list


Ok, now we all know the story …
Elohim’s first angel, his most beloved son refusing to bow down to humans and causing a rebellion in heaven and being cast out with his followers, a 3rd of heavens angels and well causing chaos and mayhem where ever he goes. Surely the bible has a lot to say about this disappointing favorite creation of Elohim, I mean the betrayal, the anarchy, the legend that is Lucifer.

Isaiah 14:12

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, who didst weaken the nations!

Thats it, that is the only reference to Lucifer in the entire scripture…
yes, I was like WTF myself but there you have it …

Now here is the glitch, the bible as we know it was originally written in Aramaic, then translated into Hebrew, then again into Greek and lastly into Latin. And all other translations from thereon in including what we use today is a translation from the Greek or the Latin translations of the original, dating back ohhh about 1800 yrs give or take. Now with modern technology and the discovery of the Deadsea scrolls we are now able to translate the original scripture into English or what ever language we choose bypassing the Greek and Latin ones. Awesome isn’t it, well not so much really because that causes a rather big wrinkle in the whole Lucifer myth and in the Luciferian path.

Why ?

The book of Isaiah describes a Babylonian king who was in conflict with the Israelites and basically thought of himself as a god due to his conquests and accumulated power and Isaiah basically giving him a verbal beat down after he fell from power.

Now Lucifer is a word in Latin meaning  “Morning star”. Same as we would say a bunch of cattle together is a herd, or a piece of paper is a sheet of paper etc. So with the discover of the Dead sea scrolls and translating them directly from Aramaic to English that verse is a lot different that the one translated from the latin translations.

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Morning star, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, who didst weaken the nations!

In context it does make a whole hell of a lot of sense that Isaiah is referring to the ‘god’ king of Babylon and not a fallen angel.

And there goes the one and only reference to Lucifer, the fallen angel….so looking at that Lucifer never even existed, and the entire myth or story of him is a lie.

So where in the hell did the myth come from ??

Well the only solid conclusion is that the latin priest all celibate and eager to get ‘mediation’ time in his lil room cut a couple corners to hasten his translation.

That and the verses in revelations (which is supposed to be a view of what is to come i.e. the future ,not what has been ) in reference to the red dragon with Seven heads, 10 horns and 7 crowns, where he swept away a third of heavens stars ( angles maybe ? )  and waged war against heaven and it’s angels. Now the dragon comes after a woman about to give birth to a child who will rule the world in the name of Elohim. The Dragon hopes to devour the woman before the child is born but is too late, the woman is take away and hidden in the wilderness and the child is kept in the bosom of Elohim. The dragon then outraged casts out a 3rd of heavens starts and well fights against Michael and the other angels before he is cast out. After seeing he has been thrown out of heaven he blames the woman and goes after her but is stopped and the woman is whisked away to safety.

Now that story in conjunction with the mistranslated verse from our little latin priest seems to have given birth to a entirely new entity which is only referenced in that one verse, not mentioned in the Torah or anywhere else and so the myth of the rebellious child, the anarchist not only disobeying his father but basically causing a all out war in heaven was born.

But seeing as revelation is visions of the future and of what is yet to come and not of the past, then if the dragon is Lucifer, the fall of Lucifer, his taking a 3rd of heavens contingent of angels and well everything else linked to Lucifer has not yet happened and if not then the dragon is something completely different and untouched in the Christian myths save for references to menacing beasts and spirits.

Now some people you might have heard of but no mention of them in the bible is Samael and Lilith which have brief mentions in the Hebrew Torah but none in the Christian Bible.

Bonus mention –

  1. Dragons = Devil / s = 34 references ( 22 Old Test. , 12 New Test. )

See point one ( unclean evil spirits causing mayhem )


So basically the entire concept of “the devil made me do it” and the entire Christian concept of evil and the big bad boils down to this –

Devil/s or Dragons – being unclean spirits possessing people and causing them to act outside the set parameters of what is acceptable by society and thereby afflicting them and requires that the spirits be cleansed and driven out.

Satan aka Sataniel aka employee of the millennium – a angel in the service of heaven whose job it is, is to test humanities faith, morals and ethics through trails, tribulations and temptation in a hopes that they may become overcome said obstacles and become stronger. A diligent employee of Elohim.

Beelzebub – Which a a villanised pagan god of ye old Palestine and Canaan. Used a derogatory insult by jews during the time of Christ.

Lucifer – Which according to his one and only mistranslated reference…. Never existed.

So where does that leave us …
if there is no evil entity is the world and there is no big bad … then …

You want the big bad, the evil in the world, the twisted and worse of the worse there take a look and see.

*holds up mirror*

Shocking right, ok well not really you specifically unless you’re a serial killer reading this but hey no judgey, the biggest baddest evil exists in all of us. Yip it’s the whole thing ole Satan is trying to teach us to resist and that is temptation. All thanks to the powers that be, we have the freedom to choose right or wrong and in the end there is no one or nothing to blame for the consequences but ourselves. But it’s so much easier to blame a guy in a red suit with a striking goatee and a pitchfork that is actively trying to force you to do bad things…isn’t it. Easier to blame some imaginary entity than to accept you fucked up and need to fix the shit you caused.

So basically don’t be a asshole. You know the difference between right and wrong so don’t screw it up and don’t hurt people just for shits and giggles. Try your best to be good to your fellow man, when it is deserved stop blaming the devil, Satan, Lucifer or any other things for your mess.

Well I hope that this has helped clarify certain things and next time we wanna blame Satan, why not just say hey dude, thank you for making me what I am today, without all the shit I have been through I would not be the person I am, so thanks bro.

Written By D.Kay

References as per 21st century King James version of the Christian Bible.

References to the devil / s

21st century King James version =  106

Old Testament (4)

  1. Leviticus (1)
  2. Deuteronomy (1)
  3. 2 Chronicles (1)
  4. Psalm (1)

New Testament (102)

  1. Matthew (23)
  2. Mark (16)
  3. Luke (28)
  4. John (9)
  5. Acts (2)
  6. 1 Corinthians (2)
  7. Ephesians (2)
  8. 1 Timothy (3)
  9. 2 Timothy (1)
  10. Hebrews (1)
  11. James (3)
  12. 1 Peter (1)
  13. 1 John (2)
  14. Jude (1)
  15. Revelation (8)

References to Satan

21st century King James version =  50

Old Testament (16)

  1. 2 Samuel (1)
  2. 1 Chronicles (1)
  3. Job (11)
  4. Psalm (1)
  5. Zechariah (2)

New Testament (34)

  1. Matthew (3)
  2. Mark (5)
  3. Luke (6)
  4. John (1)
  5. Acts (2)
  6. Romans (1)
  7. 1 Corinthians (2)
  8. 2 Corinthians (3)
  9. 1 Thessalonians (1)
  10. 2 Thessalonians (1)
  11. 1 Timothy (2)
  12. Revelation (7)

References to Beelzebub

21st century King James version =  7

New Testament (7)

  1. Matthew (3)
  2. Mark (1)
  3. Luke (3)

References to Lucifer

21st century King James version =  1

Old Testament (1)

  1. Isaiah (1)

Bonus mention – References to Dragons

21st century King James version =  34

Old Testament (22)

  1. Deuteronomy (1)
  1. Nehemiah (1)
  2. Job (1)
  3. Psalm (4)
  4. Isaiah (6)
  5. Jeremiah (6)
  6. Ezekiel (1)
  7. Micah (1)
  8. Malachi (1)

New Testament (12)

  1. Revelation (12)



Differences between Luciferians and Satanists


Because Satanists (both theistic and LaVeyan/atheistic) and Luciferians both use terms Christians associate with the Devil, it is commonly assumed that Satanists and Luciferians are one and the same, or that one is a subset of the other. While the two groups do have a lot in common, Luciferians view themselves as separate from Satanists.


From the Luciferian viewpoint, Satanists are primarily focused on the physical nature of man, exploring, experimenting and enjoying that nature while rejecting endeavors to rise beyond it. Satan is an emblem of carnality and materiality. Luciferians view Lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened being. And while Luciferians do embrace the enjoyment of one’s life, they accept that there are greater and more spiritual goals to be had.

  • Many do see Satan and Lucifer as being different aspects of the same being, the carnal, rebellious and material Satan vs. the enlightened and spiritual Lucifer, the bringer of light, the morning star.
  • Luciferians also commonly see Satanists as overly-dependent upon Christian understandings, embracing things like pleasure, success and sexuality precisely because the Church as traditionally condemned such things.
  • Luciferians do not see their acts as rebellion, but rather are motivated by their own merits.
  • Luciferians put more emphasis on the balance of light and dark.



Satanism and Luciferianism are both highly individualized religions. There is no single set of beliefs, rules or dogmas for either group. However, some generalities can be made. In general, both Satanists and Luciferians:

  • Talk about human beings as gods, having mastery of the planet. If they believe in a literal Lucifer, they pay him respect rather than worship, acknowledging he has many things to teach rather than finding themselves subservient to him.
  • Have sets of ethics, which include showing respect to those who deserve and leaving people alone who have caused no grief.
  • Support creativity, excellence, success, freedom, individuality, and enjoyment.
  • Reject dogmatic religion
  • Are particularly antagonistic toward Christianity, although not to Christians. Christians are often viewed as victims of their own religion and being too dependent to escape it.
  • Neither Satanists nor Luciferians view Satan or Lucifer as Christians.  They accept that worshiping a being of true evil is the action of a psychopath.


What exactly is Luciferianism ?

Luciferianism is not a centralized religion. As such, there will be differences between various Luciferians in relation to the nature of the religion and who they apply it to their lives and view of the world. However, this particular list, originally put forward by the Order of the Luciferian Sword, explains many of the general principles.

Many of these principles are also echoed by Theistic and LaVeyan Satanists.

  • The Luciferian is a superior illuminated being and stands above idol worshipers.
  • Luciferianism is about the seeking of knowledge from both within and without. While many of them do recognize Lucifer as an actual being (although they envision him quite differently than Christians), they are not dependent upon him, as they see people of many other religions. They do not follow this path simply because they are expected to.
  • The Luciferian is proud of being all that is.
  • The Luciferian is free to do as he wishes while accepting the consequences.
    • Taboos and social expectations should not hamper one from achieving their goals. Luciferians, like Satanists, emphasize notions of independence and freedom while also recognizing that bad behavior earns negative consequences. No one is required to put up with you, and particularly poor choices can lead to long term issues.
  • The Luciferian is a person who strives for wealth and prosperity.
    • Wealth is not something to be ashamed of. Strive to succeed and don’t be embarrassed about enjoying the fruits of your labors.
  • The Luciferian accepts his carnal primordial nature as it is and glorifies it.
    • Humans are both rational and physical. One should not be ignored for the other, and neither should be denied as corrupt or sinful.
  • The Luciferian is merciful on those who have proven themselves worthy to him.
  • The Luciferian is cruel…to those who have proven themselves worthy.
    • The Luciferian is cruel and wrathful to those who have proven themselves worthy. In short, this and the previous statement say that you should treat others according to their own behavior. You don’t owe a random person anything, but neither should you treat them poorly (and they are certainly welcome to respond in kind if you do).
  • The Luciferian imagines and theorises but is firmly grounded in reality.
    • Occult and esoteric students are often seen as being unrealistic. This statement reflects the fact that one can tap the powers of the imagination without ever being unrealistic or irrational about it.
  • The Luciferian respects Mind, Body and Spirit.
  • The Luciferian does not convert, Luciferianism is only for the elite, unlike Christianity where you may convert every fool that you come across. Like people of many religions, Luciferians see no value in large numbers of semi-believers. Their path is one that is sought out rather than offered to the masses.
  • The Luciferian loves the earth and the sun, the stars and nature.
  • The Luciferian respects people of Abrahamic faiths and accepts their inferior existence. While Luciferians has nothing against Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. on a personal level, they do deeply disagree with their faith, seeing it as subservience to a demanding and arbitrary god rather than partnership with a challenging and enlightened one.
  • The Luciferian puts reason, the self and common sense squarely above god.
  • The Luciferian has no fear, be that of hell fire or thunder bolt.
  • The Luciferian wholeheartedly accepts science and human ingenuity as the most holy of principles.
  • The Luciferian has but one mortal enemy: ignorance.
    • All knowledge is good. Ignorance, however, leads to all sorts of problems: hatred, lack of success, inability to advance, etc.
  • The Luciferian exalts the throne of man on top of the rotting corpse of the Abrahamic god.
  • The Luciferian is held back by one person only, the self.
    • Each person is responsible for their own fate. While life certainly throws up roadblocks, finding ways around them is a part of life.
  • The Luciferian has a sun burning inside of him, thus he may shine brighter than the subhumans.
  • The Luciferian has a free heart, clean soul and a mind of purity (free of Abrahamic vile).Luciferians focus on improving themselves rather than degrading others or wallowing in self-loathing.
  • The Luciferian is perfect; perfection is a constant state of improvement.
  • The Luciferian accepts spirituality, not as “spiritual pipe dreams” or “nonsensical hocus pocus,” but rather as a science waiting to be discovered by the pure of mind. Satanists generally distance themselves from all notions of spirituality. Luciferians, on the other hand, embrace a focus on body, mind and, yes, spirit.
  • The Luciferian is might incarnate, a god in the flesh, the highest expression of life in this world.
  • The most beautiful thing in Terra are the men and women who walk upon her.
  • The ugliest thing in Terra is stratified religion and dead idols.
    • “Stratified religion” references religions which have a hierarchy within them, which those at the top are considered more holy and command a great amount of respect from those under them because of the title they bear. Luciferians believe respect is only for those who demonstrate ability or knowledge worthy of respect.
  • Keep your words of wisdom in the shadows; the light is not for those who are without. Lest you regret it sorely. This illustrates the reason why some religions are private, elite affairs allowing in a select few: the idea that knowledge is profaned by those unworthy of it and can be used to your detriment by the ignorant.


Eros Vampire


A modern real vampire is a living being, a ‘normal’ person on the surface, but needing to feed of subtle energies from outside sources. The sources vary greatly, depending on the specific individual grouped into several general classifications or groups.

The group we are focusing on in this article is what is known in the vampire community as a Eros Vampire.

Now to fully understand what a Eros vampire is to understand what type of energy is required to sustain us. Being one of the least spoken about, and least known of all the vampire types. Eros vampires feed quite basically off lust. One of the oldest and most primitive, primal and instinctual energies generated by humans. Being one of the original 7 deadly sins, as well as, as depicted in Dante’s Inferno, having it’s own circle of hell dedicated to punishing it’s abusers, the definition of lust is as follows – According to


1. intense sexual desire or appetite.

2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire.

3. a passionate or overwhelming desire or craving and/or a lust for power.

4. ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: a lust for life.

5. Obs.

a. pleasure or delight.

b. desire; inclination; wish.

6. to have intense sexual desire.

7. to have a passionate yearning or desire

Throughout mythology there have been myths and stories told of entities feeding off the sexual energy of humans. Seducing, corrupting and feeding off their energies, leaving them drained physically and emotionally. The most noted entities that are categorized as such are the ‘demons’, incubi and succubae. As with any myth, there are usually some fact related to it. Such a example would be the more typical vampire figure, nosferatu being the archetype of the Sanguine Vampires. Eros vampires are often compared to incubi and succubae due to the methods used to feed and the fact that they feed off lust.

Knowing what it is exactly what Eros feed off, I can explain in deeper depth as to what a Eros vampire is and their methods.

An Eros vampire feeds of another individuals heightened state of arousal, the energy generated by said aroused state, the sustaining of the state and eventually the explosion of pure energy resulting from a climax. Unlike most other Psi vampire types the Eros do not feed of the ‘donor’ directly, ie. emotions, but rather from the energy generated from the aroused state, not draining the individual themselves and not allowing for side effects encountered from general person to person feeding. The energy being generated being of a more pure nature than those of emotions, also requires them not to be filtered by the feeding vampire.

Having the ability to feed from others, there are different methods of feeding. Each method allowing for a greater exchange of energy, and depending on the level of need the vampire has. These categorized in to 3 parts of feeding – Ambient feeding, surface feeding and deep feeding. The descriptions for those feeding levels can be found in ‘The Psychic Vampire Codex’ By Michelle Belanger. The relevance of the levels of need is to explain to you the methods of Eros feeding.

Ambient feeding:

Since it is spread out in the atmosphere, it is taken in without direct contact from other individuals. Ambient energy can be intensified by the level of ‘longing’ so enhancing its effectiveness. Most common place would be bars, clubs and establishments where lust is common place such as strip clubs, BDSM clubs etc.

Surface Feeding: ( most common method used )

This involves taking from another individual(s) directly. Physical contact is not necessary for a surface feed. For the Eros vampire, a surface feed (minus contact) would involve acts such as suggestive glances, flirting, sweet talk, toying and teasing. The main point is to give the source(s), what they would like. Surface feeding can also be achieved online through sexting.

Now, speaking from personal experiences a Eros has the ability to induce a heightened state of arousal in the source and using this induction process be able to read the persons wants and desires and exploit them to create a even higher level of arousal. Usually though the eyes, eyes being the windows to the soul, we are able to create a connection with the source, and project our hunger and need into them in the form of sexual arousal. By inducing a level of lust into the source there have been several symptoms experienced and are common with the induction processes – heightened heart rate, shallow and faster breathing, rise in body temperature, increased levels of arousal.

We manage to push all the right buttons to get the most optimum state of arousal so as to maximize the energy being fed off. The longer the state of arousal lasts the more energy gets siphoned off through the connection until the source is compelled to find release of the heightened state, either though manual self stimulation or in some cases spontaneous release. Then by the explosion of pure raw energy released the Eros are overwhelmed by a flood of energy all absorbed into our being and our hunger is stated for the moment. The source being left with a feeling of euphoria.

* Contact Surface Feeding:

This will of course intensify the energy even more, also increasing the sources level of arousal. This involves physical contact often but not exclusively involving BDSM practices to increase the state of arousal. The exchanges between Sadists and masochists This would involve gentle caresses, erotic dances, kisses and embraces etc. The key to maintaining this level of arousal for as long as possible. Maintain and amplify. The longer the tease continues, the more amplified the energy. Allow yourself to be serenaded in the lust of the moment.

Deep Feeding:

This can be achieved by various methods, biologically and subtly.

             * Biologically: it would involve accessing the partner at the highest point of arousal and then climax/s.

* Subtly/Spiritually: It can be accessed through, tantric means which will help achieve a deep feed by allowing each individual to bolster their energies to the fullest and allowing each other to draw deeper of one another.

These do not necessarily have to involve the act of intercourse, although it would be more effective. For deep feeds, it is best to share it with someone that is special and a deeper connection has been forged. With the source understanding who and what you are and understanding your needs. Deep feeding can also be achieved through other methods such as ritual, BDSM play sessions etc.

The ambient & surface methods described above, are typically referred to as hunting. The donor/source in most causes are not informed of the withdrawal of energy. This is how we feed, we hunt. We hunt to feed from the most purest and primal of energies. It is an exchange, giving and taking. It is usually done without informing the donor because, due to various reasons, the hunter does not tell the prey it is on the menu. It changes the energy patterns and defeats the purpose. As far as the hunting, it is an exchange, from us, the pleasures we have to offer to excite, stimulate and please using our abilities leaving the donor is a euphoric state and in exchange we take what we need.

The Deep Feeding methods, are typically referred to as going in for the kill, and should obviously be taken with the more ethical approach by informing the donors of who and what you are, as to build up trust. Donors are not to be taken for granted or to be abused.

Now given the basic description of who and what we are, I hope is help to better understand our nature and our needs. Due to our hunting and feeding methods, in the general vampire community we are considered to be relatively unethical and are taboo subjects. In our modern society where almost every thing has been sexualized, the act, the want and the need itself is still considered to be a topic not discussed in polite company. That being the case the Eros vampires tend to be ostracized and pushed aside labeled as perverse, corrupt and just plain creepy.

It is my hope that with this article, being one of my personal experience and not to be seen as a text book entry for all Eros vampires, the reader will better understand who we are and what it is we do in order to get what it is we need to survive. As unethical as our methods may seem, we do not do any harm while hunting, instead we leave our prey satisfied and euphoric. We may be seen and categorized as demons, but we are definitely the fun kind


How NOT to be a Psychic Vampire’s Happy Meal …


So when I asked what article topic would be my next assignment, the answer I was given was on how not to be a victim to a psychic vampire.

Now being a energy  vampire myself, and one that seems to have been rather unappealing in taste and not needing to actively shield myself for many a blue moon, I thought to myself,
‘How is a wolf going to try teach sheep not to be food…’

(Yes, yes I know, very bad form, old chap, comparing donors to livestock, but at the end of the day – We are the hunters and they are our prey. So Politically Correctness aside, please bear with me.)

Okay, so where do we start?
Well logically, the best place to start would be to know what it is exactly your protecting yourself against. Who is actually ‘hunting’ you?

To put it in a nutshell, if you are being hunted by vampires or whatever the PC term is these days, you need some basic information. There are a broad spectrum of real vampires, primarily two groups, those who feed off blood, and those who feed off energy.

Now the vampire community is governed in many different forms, many very loose ones, depending on the country, the community and the individual Houses and Covens by set of ethical guidelines designed to serve as a moral compass for rest of the vampire community. These guidelines are have been edited and updated, renamed and remade in various shapes and forms since 2000 when it was created by several big honchos.

They are more commonly known as the ‘Black Veil’.

Out of the 13 guidelines there is one that concerns us and this article, donors. As the Veil states – “Allow donors to make an informed decision before they give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an exchange that is pleasant and beneficial for all. Respect the life that you feed upon and do not abuse those who provide for you.“

In a perfect world this would be followed and we would have no need for an article on how to protect yourself, but this isn’t a perfect world, and hello, you are reading this article.
(Shock, Gasp, Horror)

Now to the hunters:

The blood suckers don’t really go around jumping innocent victims for blood or robbing blood banks, they rely on willing clean donors to provide what they need to sustain them. Consensual, safe, a sane agreed upon exchange between two or more consenting adults.

That is if a Sanguine vampire is lucky enough to have a donor, otherwise they seek other methods and become frequent visitors to local butchers and abattoirs. We don’t have to worry too much about protecting yourself from the blood vampires. Most follow the donor guidelines rather strictly because if they don’t and word gets out then, well, old, dead animal blood is on the menu, and that is NOT as tasty as fresh warm people blood.

The psychic vampires and many different types of energy feeders, come in all shapes and sizes. They feed off everything from nature, elements, crowds, individual emotions – anger, misery, joy lust etc. These are the guys you need to look out for.

(No offense, from one psy to another, just breathe ok).

Also trying to following the Black Veil, their methods of feeding are far more subtle and less noticeable by a untrained individual or a poor little fluffy sheep*…
(*Donor/Swan/Prey/Victim *enter PC term here).

Psychic vampires for the most also rely on donors to help sustain them, but in the event of no donors they have to find some way of feeding.I will happen unconsciously if not consciously.

Since it’s not very nice to walk up to someone and say, “Hey, I am a starving psychic vampire, and I want to feed off your energy and you going to have some short term side effects which will include, but are not exclusively feel, emotional drained, fatigue, fluctuating moods and so on. Have a nice day” …It doesn’t work much.
(nom nom nom)

Now that we know a bit about who is doing the hunting, a bit more on the hunting process itself.
Each vampire has their unique skills to feed off their prey, most common shared trait is empathy to a certain degree and many others, including glamour and time shifting. Using our gift and talents at our disposal and knowing that we need to feed in order to sustain our chi/prana/lifeforce/mojo, we select a hunting ground.

Most common are:

– Surface feeding off crowds, clubs, concerts, malls, shops, work, anywhere where people gather in groups is the most common one, and less intrusive.
– Trolling open forums, inciting arguments, picking up on the ‘vibe’ and ‘atmosphere’ of the environment.

The emotions and energy being thrown all over the place, we target individuals or the entire crowd, depending on the skill of the vampire in question. Unseen and unnoticeable until the prey is left seriously drained – physically and emotionally and crashing for no particular reason.

Boom! you have just been a Happy Meal.

Another method is a bit more personal and referred to as contact feeding, needing direct contact with our prey. Direct contact does not necessarily mean physical contact but it does help and makes the feeding a lot more intense, but even a private conversation or a comment thread on a social media platform it can be just as intense. It’s where the vampire interacts directly with an individual, one on one. Not informing the prey of what is about to happen, we form a connection of sorts, reach out with spiritual tentacles and nomnomnom…

Eros vampires inducing feelings of sexuality, need and want, emotional feeders inducing fluctuating emotional states, getting into your space and knowing what button to press in order to get the response we need to get our meal. Not very ethical being manipulated into situations you really have no control over but we do what we need in order to survive.

Now you know who/what is hunting you and a very rough idea of how, you probably sitting there, as a happy meal, thinking one of two things –

1. What a lot of bull is this guy spewing ? Is he taking his meds or is he having a bad trip ?

To these people I say, congrats to being so closed minded and you are most likely on top of the menu as starters, cause even we hunters love a challenge and you are just way too easy.

2. Damn , I knew something was going on!!! How do I protect myself from being a Happy Meal??

To you I say, put down the garlic, stop reciting Latin prayers and please, put the crucifix away, you just look silly. I am going to tell you how to protect YOURSELF, cause no one else will, against possible psychic vampire attacks, if you are willing to try and put in some effort.


The first protection is to be aware and avoid. How does your energy feel to you when you meet certain people and go into certain groups of people? If someone makes you feel tired every time you chat, move along.

Protection from Psychic Vampires or any outside influences effecting your aura or energy field are most commonly obtained from the use of shields.

(No not the ones in Star Trek, Scotty is not going beam you up here).

Everyone has something called a field around them, a morphic field, which is a watered down natural shield that is fairly weak and should not serve as the primary or first line of defense.

A construct is basically energy that has been focused and programmed to a specific purpose.

A shield is an energy construct that is used as a form of protection Psi attacks and feeding vampires. One of the more important things to remember is that every shield is just a construct, so they can do almost whatever you can think of its all up to you.

Ok, now that you have wrapped your mind around the fact that you have a natural occurring energy field around you at all times, that you can use and manipulate this energy to protect yourself from outside beasties that want to feed off you, we can proceed on to how exactly you engage your shields.

The most basic shielding construct that can be used is what is referred to as the bubble shield.
Generally this shield will not take a lot of damage and will break easily. But can be used as a base to add unto your construct, enforcing it as you see fit. (Think Green Lantern, your will and focus is creating a invisible barrier surrounding yourself). You need to visualize a thin layer of energy around your body . This, literally, is a bubble of energy surrounding your body. Form this thin layer of energy into a bubble shape around you, surrounding you completely. Focus on it so that it no longer becomes just a visualization but an actual construct. You become less easy food.

From this “base”, you can add programming for it to do other things.

From this most basic base you can add onto it by making its surface like that of a mirror, so that and attack or poking of the shield will be reflected back at the hunter. You can visualize the outside skin to become think and gooey, almost marshmallow in texture and thereby absorbing the energy used to attack and convert it into reinforcing the shield itself. Or is some chases you can make the outside layer that of fire, and anyone probing or attacking will be burnt…well not literally, you pyromaniac, but they will back off rather quickly.

If there is call for it, a more in depth article on shields and constructs will be considered but these are the basics.

As a wolf said to the sheep, do not be a Happy Meal, it is up to you to protect yourself and be aware to who it is you are chatting to, flirting with, offering your energy too and what is going on around you. As unethical as it sounds and seems we as vamps have a need, a hunger as fundamental as your need for food and water. Sometimes lines will be crossed, toes will be stepped on, but in those times it cannot really be helped and we are often very sorry afterwards.

About me…
I am both a Sang and Psychic vampire. As a Sang with no donors available I adapted to being able to feed off different types of energy. And, yes I have practiced unethical energy feeding from individuals and from crowds in order to sustain myself. I am well aware that these actions are not very PC but in my defense with little or no donors in the VC as a whole and even less in my local area there isn’t much of a choice left to us vampires.

Taking into account the VC guidelines on discretion, unethical practices like this will continue, we just wont talk about I much. Terms such as ‘parasite’ and ‘leeches’ will be thrown around more commonly. We are outcast for many good reasons, without donors we are forced to fend for ourselves. We look to the Vampire Community to network and help us with this.
