
I am a outcast among the outcast.

Ok, so what am I doing here well it’s pretty simple and pretty complicated at the same time –

  • So firstly as I mentioned I dabble a bit in writing I think i a have a awesome idea for a 3 book series, but here comes the glitch working a 11 hr job Monday to Friday, and 7 hrs on Saturday for minimum wage, just to make ends meet, which they rarely do, is sorta hugely hampering the book from happening so this is where I ask for help (which seriously isn’t easy mind you).
  • With your help being my patrons for like $ 5 a month it will help a ton load with some of the stress, I would be able to see my kids more often and most importantly for you I will be able to focus and be able to concentrate on finishing the books without serious worries about a roof over our heads, if I am gonna get arrested over debt and while still married, my kids, school fees, getting to work and well eating.
  • And with your contribution I will promise to post up to 5-10 pages every week to my supporters and once it gets published each of you will get a special credit and mention for your help and a copy of the final product.
  • And with your help by the End of 2018 hopefully have book one finished then need to find cover artist, editor and then publisher

So now the pitch –

Linage is basically a fictional adventure quest type story based in our time but with flashback to ancient times. It will revolve mainly around christian/ hebrew mythology – fallen angels, angels and demons, but will also integrate other pantheons’ myths and deities, all in hopes of saving the world tree from being destroyed, and all of creation thrown back into darkness and chaos. There will be ‘heroes’ dying, there might be a little bit of romance, ‘deities’ we grew up learning were villains might not be and those we grew up knowing as heroes might not be all that. There will be magic, werewolves, demons, dragons, fallen angels, nephilim, succubi, monsters, traveling between realms and lots more as our 2 unwitting heroes collect a ragtag team of mythical beings in hopes to save creation from a imprisoned ancient being’s faithful servant, hell bent on taking back her what was once belonged to her mistress.

So if you think you like that and wanna hear more, please become a patron so we can get this on paper and out my messed up head.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and any suggestions or input is more than welcome.

Help me create the world of Lineage.

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