Differences between Luciferians and Satanists


Because Satanists (both theistic and LaVeyan/atheistic) and Luciferians both use terms Christians associate with the Devil, it is commonly assumed that Satanists and Luciferians are one and the same, or that one is a subset of the other. While the two groups do have a lot in common, Luciferians view themselves as separate from Satanists.


From the Luciferian viewpoint, Satanists are primarily focused on the physical nature of man, exploring, experimenting and enjoying that nature while rejecting endeavors to rise beyond it. Satan is an emblem of carnality and materiality. Luciferians view Lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened being. And while Luciferians do embrace the enjoyment of one’s life, they accept that there are greater and more spiritual goals to be had.

  • Many do see Satan and Lucifer as being different aspects of the same being, the carnal, rebellious and material Satan vs. the enlightened and spiritual Lucifer, the bringer of light, the morning star.
  • Luciferians also commonly see Satanists as overly-dependent upon Christian understandings, embracing things like pleasure, success and sexuality precisely because the Church as traditionally condemned such things.
  • Luciferians do not see their acts as rebellion, but rather are motivated by their own merits.
  • Luciferians put more emphasis on the balance of light and dark.



Satanism and Luciferianism are both highly individualized religions. There is no single set of beliefs, rules or dogmas for either group. However, some generalities can be made. In general, both Satanists and Luciferians:

  • Talk about human beings as gods, having mastery of the planet. If they believe in a literal Lucifer, they pay him respect rather than worship, acknowledging he has many things to teach rather than finding themselves subservient to him.
  • Have sets of ethics, which include showing respect to those who deserve and leaving people alone who have caused no grief.
  • Support creativity, excellence, success, freedom, individuality, and enjoyment.
  • Reject dogmatic religion
  • Are particularly antagonistic toward Christianity, although not to Christians. Christians are often viewed as victims of their own religion and being too dependent to escape it.
  • Neither Satanists nor Luciferians view Satan or Lucifer as Christians.  They accept that worshiping a being of true evil is the action of a psychopath.


What exactly is Luciferianism ?

Luciferianism is not a centralized religion. As such, there will be differences between various Luciferians in relation to the nature of the religion and who they apply it to their lives and view of the world. However, this particular list, originally put forward by the Order of the Luciferian Sword, explains many of the general principles.

Many of these principles are also echoed by Theistic and LaVeyan Satanists.

  • The Luciferian is a superior illuminated being and stands above idol worshipers.
  • Luciferianism is about the seeking of knowledge from both within and without. While many of them do recognize Lucifer as an actual being (although they envision him quite differently than Christians), they are not dependent upon him, as they see people of many other religions. They do not follow this path simply because they are expected to.
  • The Luciferian is proud of being all that is.
  • The Luciferian is free to do as he wishes while accepting the consequences.
    • Taboos and social expectations should not hamper one from achieving their goals. Luciferians, like Satanists, emphasize notions of independence and freedom while also recognizing that bad behavior earns negative consequences. No one is required to put up with you, and particularly poor choices can lead to long term issues.
  • The Luciferian is a person who strives for wealth and prosperity.
    • Wealth is not something to be ashamed of. Strive to succeed and don’t be embarrassed about enjoying the fruits of your labors.
  • The Luciferian accepts his carnal primordial nature as it is and glorifies it.
    • Humans are both rational and physical. One should not be ignored for the other, and neither should be denied as corrupt or sinful.
  • The Luciferian is merciful on those who have proven themselves worthy to him.
  • The Luciferian is cruel…to those who have proven themselves worthy.
    • The Luciferian is cruel and wrathful to those who have proven themselves worthy. In short, this and the previous statement say that you should treat others according to their own behavior. You don’t owe a random person anything, but neither should you treat them poorly (and they are certainly welcome to respond in kind if you do).
  • The Luciferian imagines and theorises but is firmly grounded in reality.
    • Occult and esoteric students are often seen as being unrealistic. This statement reflects the fact that one can tap the powers of the imagination without ever being unrealistic or irrational about it.
  • The Luciferian respects Mind, Body and Spirit.
  • The Luciferian does not convert, Luciferianism is only for the elite, unlike Christianity where you may convert every fool that you come across. Like people of many religions, Luciferians see no value in large numbers of semi-believers. Their path is one that is sought out rather than offered to the masses.
  • The Luciferian loves the earth and the sun, the stars and nature.
  • The Luciferian respects people of Abrahamic faiths and accepts their inferior existence. While Luciferians has nothing against Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. on a personal level, they do deeply disagree with their faith, seeing it as subservience to a demanding and arbitrary god rather than partnership with a challenging and enlightened one.
  • The Luciferian puts reason, the self and common sense squarely above god.
  • The Luciferian has no fear, be that of hell fire or thunder bolt.
  • The Luciferian wholeheartedly accepts science and human ingenuity as the most holy of principles.
  • The Luciferian has but one mortal enemy: ignorance.
    • All knowledge is good. Ignorance, however, leads to all sorts of problems: hatred, lack of success, inability to advance, etc.
  • The Luciferian exalts the throne of man on top of the rotting corpse of the Abrahamic god.
  • The Luciferian is held back by one person only, the self.
    • Each person is responsible for their own fate. While life certainly throws up roadblocks, finding ways around them is a part of life.
  • The Luciferian has a sun burning inside of him, thus he may shine brighter than the subhumans.
  • The Luciferian has a free heart, clean soul and a mind of purity (free of Abrahamic vile).Luciferians focus on improving themselves rather than degrading others or wallowing in self-loathing.
  • The Luciferian is perfect; perfection is a constant state of improvement.
  • The Luciferian accepts spirituality, not as “spiritual pipe dreams” or “nonsensical hocus pocus,” but rather as a science waiting to be discovered by the pure of mind. Satanists generally distance themselves from all notions of spirituality. Luciferians, on the other hand, embrace a focus on body, mind and, yes, spirit.
  • The Luciferian is might incarnate, a god in the flesh, the highest expression of life in this world.
  • The most beautiful thing in Terra are the men and women who walk upon her.
  • The ugliest thing in Terra is stratified religion and dead idols.
    • “Stratified religion” references religions which have a hierarchy within them, which those at the top are considered more holy and command a great amount of respect from those under them because of the title they bear. Luciferians believe respect is only for those who demonstrate ability or knowledge worthy of respect.
  • Keep your words of wisdom in the shadows; the light is not for those who are without. Lest you regret it sorely. This illustrates the reason why some religions are private, elite affairs allowing in a select few: the idea that knowledge is profaned by those unworthy of it and can be used to your detriment by the ignorant.


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