Looking for reasons

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So I know I should be writing my epic novel… yes procrastination and lack of motivation, a writer whose stuff doesn’t get read is like a tree falling in a forest, does anyone care …

But I regress, I have recently been thinking , scary as that might be, about something I came across twice now. The first was, if I recollect correctly, a post somewhere on Facebook, and then again yesterday while rewatching the X-files original series, season 4, episode 5 – The field where I died.

Now the grounds of the concept is one that has be debated over time and argued repeatedly and is very controversial and the basis stands in reincarnation. We are continuously reborn into this world, life after life. Our spirit, soul, life force, energy – what ever you want to call it – returning over and over in a nearly endless cycle to be reborn onto this world to savior the experiences and to learn.

Now if you take what the Buddhists have to say on the subject, is that your rebirth and the form of your host or meat suit is dependant on your karmic balance. Cosmic capitalism at work. If your karmic credit rating is in the green, and you were a generally good person in your last life your get to come back as a human or something of high spiritual value, if you are in the red well then you would come back as a worm, rat or something to it’s equivalent or suffer very bad karmic backlash in human form, until the account is settled.

Seems rather ominous I feel, I mean who decides what’s good or bad, what’s the credit limit, what the interest rates are on the repayment. What are the T’s and C’s, and where did I sign up for that ?

I mean you paying off a debt you are not consciously aware off and well life is screwing you over … why ? I am cursed? Do I have seriously bad luck ? Was I Hitler in a past life ? Now those kinda questions have bugged majorly looking at the shit I have had to go through in my current life and seems more up hills than down hills trying to figure out, fuck I must have been a horrible person in a past life.

So this is why this concept from the X-files and from the Facebook post, both fascinated me and slightly horrified me at the same time. So we get reincarnated, cool, one life after the other, but this is where it gets interesting. Your soul ( let’s call them souls for now), is a conscience intelligent being/force. And when the currently body expires the soul ascends to a void, from this void the soul decides and plans out the next life ( freaky no ? ), with the purpose of growth, learning and ascendance to a higher state. The people that are closest to you – friends, family, lovers, ex lovers, enemies – are also intertwined into this life, in different roles but paths will cross and connections will be reestablished, regardless of the situations.

Now, think for a moment and take a third person perspective of your life up to this point. All the trails and tribulations. All the heart break and pain. All hardships and joys. Every single experience you have had up to this second, up to you reading this – was all mapped and planned out by yourself, your soul, in order to learn and grow into something better. Lets just let that soak in for just a moment and look back onto your life again.
We might not fully comprehend the big picture and maybe we are not supposed to, but according to this theory, there is one. So every life, every experience ( no matter if it hurts like a son of a bitch, or bursting with joy and pride ), every single thing is done with a specific purpose and point, leading to the end result. So nothing is pointless or meaningless or useless.

Think of it as a huge RPG game. Your higher self the player, plotting out his’s/her’s character traits, skills, background etc. and sending them out into the vast open world. The battles you win or loose, the monsters you slay the injuries you get, the skills you learn along your way in the adventure all designed, controlled and calculated by the player to up your XP and get you to the end of the game. Each character with their own preset missions and goals to get them there.

It is somewhat reassuring and scary at the same time, the whole concept of fate and destiny, all layed out by your higher self and the universe to achieve a specific goal. And in some cases it would seem that your higher self is rather masochistic looking at everything that has happened up to this point, but guess what? You are here and gotten through it all… Maybe they know something we don’t huh, maybe just maybe next time you sitting alone in the dark and thinking all this is pointless and why me… a lil flicker will pop up and well everything although dark and bleak, and hurting so much, maybe for a moment it wont seem so … pointless.

All assuming that this theory is sorta valid, and that your higher self is good at planning shit, and assuming the die aren’t loaded and the universe actually doesn’t want to screw us all and actually gives a rat’s ass about what happens to us all… all this right here, right now … all has a reason to it.

I thought it was a interesting theory and figured I might share my perspective with you, the reader… rather pointless I know but hey, maybe this was part of the plan , lol
Hope you enjoyed this piece and maybe for a moment helped you think and put things into a lil perspective.

You have meaning, this life has a reason…

There is reason to the madness, the chaos, the pain, the joy.
You have a reason.

Never doubt yourself

D. Kay

*pardon any spelling or grammar errors – brain fart and wrote in in like a hour while doing work in between so *

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