The AngelKin-Vampyre Connection


Please note that this is a personal theory of mine, formulated from observations I have made – but being somewhat of a logical mind, I could not help but see the connection between Vampyres and Angelkin.

To explain my theory to its fullest we must first look as the overall definition of what Angelkin are.

Generally speaking, Angelkin are those who self-identify as celestial beings incarnated into human bodies and sent on a specific purpose or mission on earth. They hold the connection to what they call the ‘Source’.

Being of the light they are generally assumed to be good and pure. (Some spiritualities and religions define “light” and “dark” as synonyms for “good” and “evil”, but others do not teach that light or dark have any deeper meaning other than that of being opposites, or that one defines the lack of the other.)

They manifest an intense longing to be part of the ‘Source’, since that is where they spend their existence. They still are linked to the ‘Source’ as a point of energy and strength on their mission. They posses several skills including manipulation of energy as well as empathy. Claims have been made which relate to “phantom limbs”, which they feel, represent wings. In addition, they are compelled to go out of their way help and aid those in need. They claim to feel that they are being controlled or guided, with no real free will of their own.

Therefore, in summary the characteristics of Angelkin would be:

1. Connection to the ‘Source’ as a constant source of energy and strength
2. Compelled to be in the light;
3. Higher purpose or mission;
4. Feeling of loneliness and isolation as they long to be complete as part of the ‘Source’;
5. Energy workers and empathy;
6. Compelled to help other in need;
7. Phantom limbs (wings);
8. Feeling of no real free will, guided;

So taking the above into account, and looking through ancient texts of angel representation and angels who choose to ‘fall from grace’, technically there would be several things which would remain the same and several that would be opposite when one looks at the theoretical concept of “fallen angels”, which come feel describes the origins of the Vampyre.

Listed traits of a “fallen” Angelkin:

1. Severed connection to the ‘Source’, thus no constant source of energy and strength, thus a draining of one’s life force.
2. Compelled to be in the darkness, as back was turned away from the light during fall;
3. No real higher purpose or mission, as the fall was by ones own omission rather than having being sent;
4. Feeling of loneliness and isolation as they long to be complete as part of the ‘Source’, which would still be there even if one willing severed the link;
5. Energy workers and empathic skills;
6. Compelled to help other in need, being of their nature;
7. “Phantom limbs” possibly, but also seeing as they are fallen might not be there;
8. Feeling of real free will but no real direction;

Now, if you look at these points, I found something very interesting. The number of similarities shared between the ‘fallen’ characteristics and that of a Vampyre.

If you look at them individually:

1. Severed connection to the ‘Source’, thus no constant source of energy and strength, thus a draining of ones life force – thus the need for Vampyres to gain energy from outside sources via feeding on blood, psi and other methods in order for them to sustain their energy bodies.

2. Compelled to be in the darkness, as back was turned away from the light during fall – majority of Vampyres show an above-average sensitivity to sunlight or UV;

3. No real higher purpose or mission, as the fall was by ones own omission rather than having being “sent” – this is not restricted to “fallen” Angelkin, but I have discussed this with several Vampyres who feel the same;

4. Feeling of loneliness and isolation as they long to be complete as part of the ‘Source’, which would still be there even if one willingly severed the link – feelings of not belonging, alienation, isolation, mood swings, and depression are all commonly recognized traits of Vampyres;

5. Energy workers and empathy – most Vampyres, especially Psi and omnivorous types are skilled energy workers, who are empathic or at the very least show an increased sensitivity to energy around them;

6. Compelled to help other in need, being of their nature – looking at the broad spectrum of the OVC, one notices individuals participating in charities, community activities, counseling, activism, animal welfare etc. Generally Vampyres would appear to experience a compulsion to help others in need;

7. “Phantom limbs” – taking into consideration the traditional view that when an angel falls, they ‘lose’ their wings, this might explain the lack of a similar manifestation among those who identify as “fallen” angelkin and also Vampyres;

8. Feeling of real free will but no real direction – generally the perception one gets from individual Vampyres in the VC, who are fiercely individualistic, but also often contradictory and adversarial;

So, looking at the obvious similarities between what can be seen between Vampyres and “fallen” Angelkin, I ask: is it that far a leap to believe that maybe Vampyres are not as much monsters as perceived by the majority of the population – but celestial beings who choose to be free from the control and manipulation of a ‘Source’ – and by severing the link and breaking the leash, claiming freedom? Although, with all freedoms there is an ultimate price to be paid. Our price is the constant thirst and hunger to sustain ourselves, our isolation, the darkness, and a longing to be whole.

This is my personal theory, a theory which espouses the idea that maybe we are indeed the bloodthirsty creatures of darkness that religious tradition and also traditional fiction portray us to be. That we are paying a price for our choice to be free and individualistic rather than be controlled and in servitude.

In the dark, we find our true selves.

Samael Anathan.

* The Source is often discussed by most Christian/Judeo-aligned otherkin, it is a recognized Source of Universal Love and Light. This is the thing most Humans recognize as “God” or a “God” figure, as the key to their own unconditional love and warmth for the Source and others.

Note: Theological matters, To say that “God” is merely a spiritual entity/source would offend many people, more existential people would count “God” as an unknowable being beyond this Universe, others even that this universe is but “God” itself, a universal mind. Similarly, fundamentalist religious people from other religions would have their own theories and beliefs. Belief is that the spiritual world is so interconnected, so complex, and subtle that it can easily be considered as a mind, holding all the secrets of spirituality with its misty, crystalline form.



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