Otherkin – Of Heaven Or Hell?


It has come to my attention that there are various types of otherkin out there that the
majority are still unaware of, so in this I will attempt to familiarize the SAVC with these other types of Kin. In this first article in the series we are going to look at celestial kin, much misunderstood and as with the vampire romanticized and demonized to suit the purposes of the masses and propaganda.

Not inherently good or evil they merely misunderstood due to the pantheons of religions – angels aren’t always good and demons not always evil. Angels from the celestial light bound to he service of deities and the whims of these deities,  broken ties or serving their own purposes.


Angelkin Overview

Angelkin are a form of Celestial Otherkin, who were the servants of some divine or Source being at some point in time. “Angel” comes from the Greek “angelos” meaning messenger, in this case, and in most of mythology the winged messengers of the of the divine. Many people who consider themselves to be angel-kin are simply experiencing phantom wings, and are winged humanoid beings, often simply celestials, who use the term “angel” mistakenly.
  • In most common belief, there are two “types” of Angelkin – “Holy” Angelkin, who serve gods and goddesses in some cases, different angels being assigned to different deities, and Fallen Angelkin, who were once in the service of a god or goddess, but fell from grace, and choose freedom of will over servitude .

Heavenly/Holy Angelkin

  • Angels are considered to be divine servants of a given deity. Angels, though most often seen in the Christian and Islam paradigm, are beyond the trappings of religion as stated by St. Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica. Angels are seen often and depicted as Humans with large bird-like wings protruding from their back.
  • The Word “Angel” translates roughly to Messenger, and this is considered one of the chief duties of Angels. Angels however are seen in literature and in multiple religions as being guides, messengers and protectors to everything from plants and animals to planets and even to concepts such as love or forces such as life and death.
  • Certain Otherkin who believe themselves to be Angels have found themselves drawn to careers and hobbies that reflect what they believe they did as an Angel.

Known Abilities

  • Contrary to popular belief, Angelic Otherkin bear no specific “powers” or abilities above those of anyone else. Often times Angelic Otherkin are drawn to study of fields or practices related to what they believe they were responsible for as an Angel, such as medicine or law enforcement, however there is no perfect trend to relate to this.
  • So far, no Angelic Otherkin has been able to prove any ability related to elemental or animal control, though many have claimed to have some supernatural power over it.
  • Noted is a higher sensitivity to natural energy fields as well as empathic capabilities in order to assist, guide and protect in order to fulfill their tasks/mission on earth.


  • Angelic Otherkin most commonly believe to have one or more pairs of bright white, feathered wings. However, Holy Angelkin’s wings are not restricted to white, however many Fallen claim black wings. Many Angelic Otherkin believe themselves to have wing of many different sizes and colors, as of yet there is no strong correlation seen between the color of wings and the Angels’ believed choir, religion of origin or prescribed duty.
  • In religious texts and mythology, Angels have been seen with any number of wings from two in many cases and depictions (such as the Cherubim in the Catholic tradition) to 600 pair (Jubril, whose plumage blocked out the sun in the Koran).
  • Wings in all forms of Angelkin seem to not only serve the purpose of flight (although some Angelkin argue that wings actually have no influence on an Angel’s ability to fly), but also act as a shield for themselves, and even others, and can serve as a channel for their power.
  • Although wings cannot always be seen, there is a phantom limb sensation coming from the shoulder blades of individuals, from a heavy weighed feeling at times, weight of the world, plight of others weighing down on you to feeling that the wings open spread wide absorbing energy from surroundings ie. Sun light, wind, rain, ambient manly nature.

Dark Angelkin

  • Dark Angelkin are not a very common type of Angelkin in the Otherkin community, mainly because amongst the majority of the otherkin community, it is debated, as to whether Dark Angelkin exist or not. This is mainly because these “angels” are very mislabeled and their “job” is mistakenly labeled as a “type” instead of a “career” choice.
  • “Dark” Angelkin is not the proper name for this group of Angelkin, but was given because they generally have dark or black wings, and do not follow a deity – never have, never will. Someday, when a proper name is found, it will be added. As of 2011, mostly they are referred to as Dark Angelkin.
  • Dark Angelkin can best be described as mercenaries in behavior. When it comes to helping a particular side of a battle, they choose whichever side offer them personal gain in some form, in most cases. Some cases however they will help the side that they personally feel is correct in the matter, based on their own personal morals.

Known Abilities

  • Contrary to popular belief, Angelic Otherkin bear no specific “powers” or abilities above those of anyone else. Often times Angelic Otherkin are drawn to study of fields or practices related to what they believe they were responsible for as an Angel, such as medicine or law enforcement, however there is no perfect trend to relate to this.
  • So far, no Angelic Otherkin has been able to prove any ability related to elemental or animal control, though many have claimed to have some supernatural power over it.
  • Noted is a higher sensitivity to natural energy fields as well as energy manipulation and empathic capabilities in order to assist, guide and protect in order to fulfill their tasks/mission on earth.


  • Unlike what most would initially believe, Dark Angelkin don’t all have dark or black wings. Wing color has actually nothing to do with what type of Angel an individual is. Angels’ wings can be quite literally any color(s), however, the number of pairs they have seems to hint at their age, the younger Angels having most often only one pair of wings.
  • Dark Angelkin wings aren’t always the feathered type, and can often by Demon-like or Dragon-like in appearance, sometimes even appearing only as skeletal wings of bone, which appears to be more common in Angels of Death.
  • Wings in all forms of Angelkin seem to not only serve the purpose of flight (although some Angelkin argue that wings actually have no influence on an Angel’s ability to fly), but also act as a shield for themselves, and even others, and can serve as a channel for their power.
  • Although wings cannot always be seen, there is a phantom limb sensation coming from the shoulder blades of individuals, from a heavy weighed feeling at times, weight of the world, plight of others weighing down on you to feeling that the wings open spread wide absorbing energy from surroundings ie. Sun light, wind, rain, ambient manly nature but energy from animals and humans also possible.

Misc. Traits

  • Apart from the usual Angelic traits such as wings, some Dark Angelkin can be found to have separate forms then their human and Angel forms, often reflecting an animal that they are tied to, or even sometimes forms that are of creatures that are hardly human or animal, such as Dragons, Elementals, and so on.
  • Some Dark Angelkin are easily confused with Demonkin, because they may have horns, a tail, or other so-called “Demonic” traits. Horns are actually not necessarily a Demonic or even Draconic trait, but serve as a medium for certain power, the material of the horns being one that best serves the type of power the individual has.

Fallen Angelkin

About Fallen Angelkin

  • Fallen Angelkin are a type of Angel that is close to identical to “Holy”, or “Pure” Angelkin, which is hardly surprising because they themselves were once “Holy”.
  • There have been two major falls, the first being the Luciferian Fall, the second one the Fall of the Grigori. The ones that fell during the Luciferian fall are many, in Judaeo- Christian mythology Lucifer took one third of the Legions of “Heaven”, the old Angel society with him when he fell. The second fall was smaller, two hundred Grigori (a certain class/legion of Angels) fell during the second fall.
  • The main reason for the fall of the Luciferians and the Grigori was that they sought to give humans equality with their Kin. The caste-based society of what we now call “Angels” (an older, and more correct name would be Malakhim, or Shadow) frowned upon this, and rejected their brothers from society. Now, many Malakhim still feel like there should be equality between Man and Angel, yet it is an opinion rarely spoken of. The Fallen seeked to break free from the servitude and limitations placed upon them by the divine/source and sought to have free will, in equality to the humans, as angels were created first and thus deserved and earned at the very least equality to humans.

Wing Types

  • Many Fallen angelkin have dark wings, such as black raven wings or dark grey ones. They don’t necessarily have to be bird-type wings, but can also be bat like or even mechanical in nature. It would be somewhat safe to say that every Malakhim’s wings are different, because in this world they also serve as a beacon, aiding them in identifying their kin.
  • Note: Since in their human forms the wings are made out of energy they are often unnoticed, at least by humans and other beings whose energy and interpretation of energy function at a different frequency.
  • Wings in all forms of Angelkin seem to not only serve the purpose of flight (although some Angelkin argue that wings actually have no influence on an Angel’s ability to fly), but also act as a shield for themselves, and even others, and can serve as a channel for their power.
  • Although wings cannot always be seen, there is a phantom limb sensation coming from the shoulder blades of individuals, from a heavy weighed feeling at times, weight of the world, plight of others weighing down on you to feeling that the wings open spread wide absorbing energy from surroundings ie. Sun light, wind, rain, ambient manly nature but energy from animals and humans, since disconnected from source require and outside energy centre to sustain them, often bordering very closely to vampyres.

Known Abilities

  • Contrary to popular belief, Angelic Otherkin bear no specific “powers” or abilities above those of anyone else. Often times Angelic Otherkin are drawn to study of fields or practices related to what they believe they were responsible for as an Angel, such as medicine or law enforcement, however there is no perfect trend to relate to this.
  • So far, no Angelic Otherkin has been able to prove any ability related to elemental or animal control, though many have claimed to have some supernatural power over it.
  • Noted is a higher sensitivity to natural energy fields as well as energy manipulation and empathic capabilities in order to assist, guide and protect in order to fulfill their tasks/mission on earth.


A common misconception of demonkin is that they all have specific gender roles, some do and some don’t. Some are gender fluid beings or neutral. They are simply big balls of energy, not male or female, in the bodies appear to be either male or female. Another common misconception is people often think that demonkins are aggressive, evil, dark, benevolent – many demonkins prefer solitary and do not want to bother with humans. Of course, it depends on what types of demons they are.

Demonic Characteristics

The psychological and spiritual characteristics of a Demonkin are what define them. Common characteristics of Demonkin include:
  • Detail oriented
  • Telepathy
  • The utilization of Demonology
  • Interest of Human behaviors and concepts
  • The need for knowledge
  • Tend to frighten people without reason
  • Impulsive
Misanthropic behavior is the feeling of disgust and/or contempt for the Human race is common but not necessary applied to all demonkins. Some demons are simply lack of emotions toward humans. Some demons often develop a distaste for Humans after a lifetime of observation, all the while finding it intriguing. Demons in true form do not eat, sleep, ordinarily feel physical pain, or experience Love like humans do; finding these qualities of Humans interesting. From this, Demons often enjoy studying and observation, picking up on very small details. They often carry a sense of pride, honor, vanity and arrogance in themselves. Demons, with most Otherkin, tend to feel out of place with Humans. However, Demons are very capricious and moody, often experiencing intense mood swings, which further separates them from Human beings.
When in true form (without a corporal body), Demons have a very hard time communicating with worldly beings. The love for knowledge, observation, and abstract concepts the Demons have in Humans are the result of being unable to interact, and only to observe.
Like many Psi beings, Demons are generally able to utilize telepathy and will things into existence (Demonology). Since demons are supernatural beings themselves, they are able to vividly experience other supernatural phenomenon.
A demon often possess these characteristics, but the defining characteristic is the vibrations Demonkin let off. These vibrations are dark, heavy, jaded, sophisticated, and serious. The only other absolute characteristic that demons have are being dark energy beings. These vibrations are less mystic feeling than a Fae, and much more daunting. This often intimidates Humans.
As with most Otherkin, Demonkin don’t know what their purpose is. When incarnated into a human body most have lost not only their abilities, but their memory. Demonkin, or Otherkin for that reason, weren’t sent here to “kill humans” or something absurd like that, they live in peace among us and hide who they truly mostly observing the oddity that is humanity.

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